Page 37 of Rescued by Dr. Rafe

‘Okay, Annaliese. I want you to help translate for us. Can you do that?’ If her husband was hurt, then it was important they hear everything he had to say.

‘Yes, I can do it.’

‘Good. Thank you.’ Mimi led Annaliese over to where Rafe was kneeling in the mud next to the man. ‘What is your husband’s name?’

‘Leo,’ Rafe answered. He’d already got that far and it seemed that he’d also checked the man for any life-threatening injuries as well. ‘He’s been moving around but I’ll put a neck brace on him anyway, and then I think it’s best we get him over to the car.’

Annaliese translated quickly for her husband but he was already trying to get to his feet.

‘All right...’ Rafe laid a hand on his shoulder. ‘Stay still for one minute. Let us help you.’

Mimi jogged back to the car to fetch the neck brace and, when Rafe had fastened it securely, they got him on to his feet. With one at each side to support him, they walked him slowly over to the SUV, sitting him in the back seat. He was wet through and shaking.

‘It’s ten minutes to the hospital.’ Mimi looked at Rafe. She knew that he was weighing up all the factors. It was impossible to treat him effectively here, and the quickest way to get him warm was to go straight to A and E.

‘Yeah. He seems alert and I can’t find any signs of major injury.’ Rafe considered the question for a brief moment. ‘We’ll take him now?’

‘Yes, I agree. Would you like me to drive?’

‘The steering’s pretty heavy...’ Rafe hesitated and then smiled, handing over his car keys. ‘Why don’t you drive? I’ll sit in the back seat and keep an eye on him.’

Good call. If she could handle an ambulance, she could handle Rafe’s SUV. ‘Don’t worry. I’ll be gentle with your car.’

‘You’d better be.’

* * *

The A and E department of the hospital was always busy, but tonight it was busy. The doctor in charge recognised Rafe, though, and after an exchanged greeting waved them through to an empty cubicle. It seemed that they were going to be keeping their patient for a little while longer.

Mimi sat Annaliese down in a chair in the corner and helped Rafe get Leo out of his soaking clothes. There was only a gown to dress him in, but Mimi found a couple of blankets and tucked them around him on the bed.

Rafe’s quick nod told her that he could continue with the examination on his own and she turned her attention to Annaliese, who was crying quietly now.

‘Let’s get your coat off. You must be cold.’

Annaliese nodded gratefully, allowing Mimi to help her off with her coat and overtrousers. She was moving stiffly, her arms shaking.

‘Are you hurt?’ Mimi had already asked the question out on the road and Annaliese had said she was fine, but she didn’t look all that good now.

‘No. I am okay.’ Annaliese was holding her arm.

‘May I see your arm?’ Annaliese nodded and rolled her sleeve up to expose a livid red friction burn. ‘That’s from the airbag?’

‘Yes. I think so.’ Now that they had reached the safety of the hospital, Annaliese seemed about to break down. Mimi had seen that many times before. People’s courage brought them through to the point where they knew that they and their loved ones were safe and then took a back seat, allowing them to cry.

‘The doctor’s examining Leo now.’ She leaned towards Annaliese confidingly. ‘He’s the best.’

‘I heard that...’ Rafe murmured the words without taking his attention from what he was doing.

‘So did I. Thank you.’ Annaliese smiled and seemed to relax a little.

Mimi took off her own jacket and dropped it on the floor in the corner. She’d known that the tension between her and Rafe was unsettling for their patients and now it seemed that the warmth was making itself felt too.

She set about cleaning Annaliese’s wound. ‘When I first spoke to you, in German...’

‘Ah. Yes.’ A sense of fun suddenly showed in Annaliese’s face.

‘What did I say? You looked a bit puzzled.’