Page 58 of Rescued by Dr. Rafe

‘When you were arguing with me, that night on the sofa when you climbed on top of me...’ She felt him shudder.

‘That was a mistake. I know.’

He chuckled. ‘It was challenging. And, in or out of bed, that’s the thing that excites me about you most. I want you to love me, but I need you to challenge me, and I need you to make me hear it.’ He dropped a kiss on to her cheek.

‘Because I’m always right?’ She giggled.

‘No. Because neither of us is always right. But together we’ve got a fighting chance.’

‘You’ve been thinking about this, haven’t you?’

‘All the time. Every day, honey.’

He kissed her again. Rafe had always known all the right things to do to make her body crave him and to make her heart thump with longing for him. An emotion that she couldn’t name shivered through her. Desire, happiness. The feeling that she was coming home... No. The knowledge that she was home.

This was all she needed. Everything else could take its time.

‘Maybe we should take things slowly.’ She waited for his agreement.

It didn’t come. ‘What? Don’t you agree, Rafe?’

‘What things?’

She dug him in the ribs. ‘You know what things. Sex. Leave the gymnastics until later.’

He shrugged. ‘Yeah, I can do without the gymnastics. If you honestly want to know, then the sex is going to be a bit harder.’ He kissed her cheek. ‘I’m not going to pretend that I don’t want you. Mimi, I’m done with that. But I’ll wait until you’re ready, however long that takes.’

He was making this very hard. Mimi wanted him too, but the thought that she might disappoint him held her back. ‘I just think... Well, I get tired easily. And my legs are still weak. I can’t do all the things we used to.’

‘Would it be all right if I just kissed you?’

She looked up into the warmth of his eyes, wondering how she could have lived this long without having him close. ‘Yes. It would be more than all right.’

‘Hold hands. I’d like to do that.’

She took his hand in hers, kissing his fingers. ‘How’s that?’

‘Wonderful. You want to try something new?’

She grinned. ‘What sort of new?’

He kissed her cheek again, working his way round to her ear, and Mimi shivered. ‘I’ll kiss you and touch you. I’ll make you burn for me, the way I do for you, only I’ll take it slow. Very slow. Very gentle.’

She could almost feel him doing it. Her fingers clutched convulsively at his sweater. ‘Yes. Only you don’t need to be all that gentle. I’m not going to break.’

He kissed her, his hands tender and his mouth hot, almost savage. ‘Oh, yes, you are, honey. You are going to break...’

* * *

Rafe had carried her upstairs in a move that seemed romantic rather than a response to need. Mimi sat down on the bed, looking around. Cream walls, cream curtains, cream linen. It was...

It was neat and tidy, but the room could do with some loving care. It felt like a place where you just crashed out to sleep.

‘This is...nice.’ The bed was large and the mattress comfortable. It was a bit like a high-class hotel room.

He chuckled. ‘Needs a woman’s touch.’

‘Ah. Well, maybe I’ll...’ Mimi suddenly forgot all about soft furnishings as Rafe pulled his sweater and shirt over his head together in one fluid movement.