* * *

Thea grasped the heavy brass dolphin and the door swung open almost before she’d had a chance to knock on the door. Ava stepped out onto the doorstep.

‘Hi. I know.’

‘You know?’ That statement could apply to pretty much anything.

‘I know about Safiyah. I knew about it anyway because she messaged me, but her mother phoned Lucas this evening. She knows what his job is.’

‘And what did Lucas say to her?’ Ava didn’t look overly perturbed about the situation.

‘He said that Safiyah’s going to be okay. That the drug regime can be tough, but that there’s lots of support available, and to call if there’s anything he can do.’

‘Sounds good. How do you feel about that?’

‘I feel sorry for Safiyah. Lucas says that as soon as she’s not infectious, we’ll have her and her family around for supper.’

‘Well, I’m sure that’ll cheer her up a bit.’

Ava rolled her eyes. ‘All the other parents will be looking to see what he does. I told him that, and that I was pleased he was setting a good example.’

Thea suppressed a smile. ‘Good for you.’

‘Then he gave me the talk.’ Ava sighed. She and Lucas clearly had regular talks. ‘He asked me how I was feeling and I told him I was feeling fine. So he said that I wasn’t to worry, and that Safiyah was going to be all right, and that TB isn’t easily transmitted from one person to another.’

‘And what did you say?’ Thea couldn’t contain her smile.

‘I said I already knew that. There’s plenty of information on the internet and I can read.’

‘And…what did he say?’

‘He just nodded, and went into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of wine. I’d get in there quickly if you want any, before he drinks the lot.’

‘Okay, thanks. Is that all?’

Ava nodded. ‘Yes. Come in.’

Lucas was at the barbecue, nursing a half-empty glass of red wine and looking remarkably cheerful after the rigours of the talk. Leaving the steak to sizzle for a few moments, he strode inside and poured a generous measure for Thea.

‘Careful, I’m driving.’ Without thinking, she topped his glass up from her own. Those little acts of intimacy that had survived the years and needed to be unlearnt.

‘She knows.’ He leaned towards her confidingly.

‘Yes, I know she knows. Now that everybody knows, can we all stop whispering about it, please? And why are you smirking?’

‘I wouldn’t call it smirking. I’m just reflecting on the fact that Ava’s information dissemination techniques are second only to your own.’

‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

‘It’s a compliment. And, by the way, thank you. I nearly made a fool of myself there.’

‘It wasn’t foolish to be concerned about Ava.’

Lucas cut her short with a shake of his head. ‘It’s not a matter of concern. The best thing I can teach Ava is that I know how to stand by my principles. And I do honestly believe that we do the best we can for the kids in our care and that she’ll get no better treatment elsewhere.’

Lucas gave his most seductive smile, and Thea felt her knees begin to shake.

‘Do I smell burning?’ She nodded towards the barbecue and he darted back outside, flipping the steaks over adroitly. Ava appeared, making a beeline for him.