‘Guilty. Really?’ Ethan had kept in touch with Mags and there had been no hint that this might happen.

‘Yes. It was unexpected, but apparently they found a load of stuff hidden in the loft at his mum’s house. Once they had that, he admitted to all the charges. It’s such a relief.’

Ethan smiled. Kate hadn’t spoken of being worried about this morning’s interview, but he knew it had been preying on her mind.

‘What did Mags say? Did you see her?’

‘Yes. I didn’t expect to because she’s so senior. She’s nice, isn’t she?’

‘Yeah, she’s very nice. Less so if you happen to break the law.’

‘Well, she was very nice to me. She said she was very pleased for us.’

‘Right.’ He supposed that waiting downstairs for an hour had been a bit of a giveaway and this time Mags had put two and two together and come up with the right answer.

‘Did you tell her? About us?’

‘No. She is a detective, though.’ It might make Ethan feel slightly uneasy that everyone seemed to know about him and Kate, but it wasn’t exactly a secret. They just didn’t tell very many people about it.

‘Anyway...listen!’ Kate seemed too excited to bother about that at the moment. ‘She explained it all to me and said that he’s signed a statement and everything. They have him on more than one count of mugging and some other things as well. He’s pleading guilty to everything, in the hope that he gets a more lenient sentence.’

‘And how do you feel about that?’ Ethan asked.

‘Well, if it all goes the way it should, I won’t have to testify. I wasn’t looking forward to that.’

‘True enough. You’re sure you don’t want your day in court, though?’ Ethan knew that some people felt that was part of the healing process.

‘No. I know what he did and everyone else knows it too. You know it, don’t you?’

‘I was there, remember? I know exactly what he did.’

‘Then that’s what I want. I want it over with, and for the courts to decide what happens to him.’ Kate gave a firm little nod.

‘Then I’m pleased you got what you wanted.’

Kate was practically skipping down the road and it was a joy to see her so happy. ‘Oh, I nearly forgot. This is for Sam.’

‘What is it?’

‘It’s for his show-and-tell at school.’

‘His what?’

‘It’s where they stand up and tell the rest of the class about something.’

‘Yes, I know what it is.’ Ethan could feel a prickle of unease at the back of his neck. ‘I just didn’t know he was doing one.’

‘You must have just forgotten. He asked me if I could get something from the police station when I came round this morning. So I asked Mags if she had anything suitable for his age group and she gave me this. I’m sure we can find something good amongst it all.’

Something gripped the pit of Ethan’s stomach and twisted hard. It was entirely up to Sam if he wanted to ask Kate to get him something for school. But he’d rather his son had asked him. The realisation that he possibly had but Ethan had forgotten made him feel even worse. Looking after Sam was his responsibility—not Kate’s.

‘What?’ she asked, taking in his expression. ‘I thought you’d be pleased.’

‘Yes, I am. Thanks very much.’ His own voice echoed in his ears, not sounding very pleased at all.

‘Did I overstep? I know I’m just a friend...’ She was frowning now, and Ethan knew exactly what the unspoken end of the sentence contained. I know I’m not his mother.

‘No. It’s okay, really.’ Ethan took the envelope, resolving to listen more carefully in future. Kate wasn’t Sam’s mother and she was always very careful never to try to be. This was his fault entirely.