“That’s something I can work on now.”

* * *

Rick’s heart had gone out to Fleur when he’d heard her voice on that tape. Only the knowledge that he had to stay strong for her had kept him from driving his fist into the wall. That, and the fact that he reckoned that Jim Brady would probably arrest him for fooling with the décor.

But she was strong. And in that strength she’d found compassion. In that moment, he couldn’t have loved her more if he’d tried. Rick ignored the fo

ur-letter word in favor of holding her close.

Jim sat there quietly, giving her time to regain her composure, before gathering up the tapes and putting them back into the file. “I want to stick closely to the book on this. I’ll transcribe the tapes myself and write up an account of this meeting. I’d be obliged if you’d countersign it, Fleur.”

“Of course, Jim. I’d also like to write something that formally thanks you for your handling of this matter, and says that I don’t want to take it any further now.”

Jim’s smile said it all. He was a good man, and this had obviously pricked at his conscience. “That’ll keep the paperwork straight.”

When they left, Rick shook Jim’s hand. No words were needed, the sheer force of the handshake said it all. Then he and Fleur stepped outside onto the sidewalk, the sky seeming suddenly very blue and unclouded.

“All these years...” Fleur was standing with her hands in her pockets, looking up at the sky. “Sheriff Taylor told me that no one would believe me, and I thought he must be the one to know. I didn’t listen to the people that I should have listened to. I just ran away.”

“Is dance really running away?” Rick almost hoped it was. If Fleur could stop running now, maybe she’d stay on Maple Island.

She thought for a moment. “I used it to run away. That doesn’t mean I don’t love dance theater. I can just love it with a clearer conscience now.”

Rick nodded. “I understand that. When I told the story about Lara... I’ve never been able to get past the picture I had in my mind of when she was ill. It tainted everything. But then I remembered her the way she would have wanted, doing her job well and standing up for the kids she taught. It’s what she deserved, and she would have liked that.”

Fleur shot him a brilliant smile. “Seems as if we’ve both made a journey, then.”

“Yeah. Too bad those journeys look as if they’ll end up in different places. Me here, and you on the mainland.”

They stood for a moment, watching the bustle of Main Street. Fleur seemed to be drawing the clean air into her lungs, breathing the pain back out again.

“So...what would you like to do now?”

“I think I have to go and see Mom and Dad. I never told them how I was really feeling after what happened, I just pretended that everything was okay. And I stayed away. There’s so much I’ve missed out on with them, and I want to know if I can make up for it. Do you think they’ll understand?”

“I’m sure they will. I’ll drop you round there now, if you like. I have to pick up Ellie.”

The smile dropped from her face. “I thought...you might...”

“Or if you want, we could both pick Ellie up and go round there? I’m sure your parents wouldn’t mind if I kept her entertained while you talked.” The thought that she might still need him, or just want him around, warmed him.

“I’d really like that. See it through together, eh?”

* * *

They’d spent the whole of the evening with Fleur’s parents. Josh had stationed Ellie in front of the television with one of her favorite films, and invited Rick to sit at the kitchen table with them. They’d worked their way through two pots of tea, and Fleur had told her parents the whole story.

Josh had been angry, but Fleur had persuaded him that her decision to take the matter no further was the right one for her. And if Fleur seemed to have shed her burden, then so did Josh and Maura. The years of carefully avoiding the subject had been forgotten, and the warmth of a family meal together seemed to seal the closure.

However much Rick wanted her to come back to the lighthouse with him, Fleur needed this time with her parents. He carried Ellie to the car, sleeping in his arms, and when he turned to wave goodbye, he saw Fleur walking out from the porch toward him.

“Will you dream of me tonight?” She stood on her toes, reaching up to kiss him.

“Absolutely. In great detail...”

“Sounds interesting.” Her eyes flashed with mischief. “I’ll be dreaming of you too, so we’ll have to compare notes.”

“I’ll look forward to it.” He hugged her, feeling her body warm against his. Then Rick got into his car, watching as Fleur ran back to the house.