Give her a bucket and spade, and Rick suspected that Fleur could move a mountain in whatever time she had available to her. “You want me to call Pamela?”

“I’ve got her number. I dare say I’ll have to get down there and see her too. And I’ll need a drawing pad and some paper for notes...”

“I’ll get you whatever you want.” He glanced at the leaflet, which showed the closing times for the library at the bottom. “The library’s open until six tonight. I finish work at five, I can take you to see Pamela then if you like.”

The whirlwind paused suddenly, leaving the room quiet and a

lmost peaceful. Maybe this was just the center of the storm.

“You’re sure about that? You’re the new guy on the island, and you don’t want to get a reputation by being seen hanging around with me...”

If that was a warning, she could forget it. Supporting someone who’d been abused and gossiped about was just the kind of reputation he wanted.

“I’ll go and fetch Ellie from the daycare center, and we’ll both be here at ten past five. Be ready.”


ELLIE WAS A BRIGHT, enquiring little girl, who ran into Fleur’s room ahead of her father, stopping suddenly to look around.

“Hi, Ellie.” Fleur wondered if Ellie knew that her presence here was Rick’s way of saying that he didn’t care what anyone said. That she had his support, and he’d prove it by bringing along the one person he cared about most. Probably not, the concept was too complex for a four-year-old to comprehend.

“Hello.” Ellie was looking her up and down unashamedly. “You’ve got pencils...”

Fleur smiled, proffering the packet of colored pencils that had arrived in her room at lunchtime, along with drawing paper, a pen and a notepad. Rick had been as good as his word.

“There are lots of different colors. And paper...” Perhaps Ellie would like to draw something before they left.

“No time for drawing, Ellie. We’re going to the library.” Rick was smiling at his daughter as she capered up and down.

“Yes! The library!” Ellie was still again suddenly. “My dad says you can’t walk. I’ll help carry you.”

“Fleur can’t walk very fast, Ellie. We have to wait for her, not carry her.”

Ellie nodded. “I’ll hold your hand, then.”

There was no mistaking where Ellie got her frank outspokenness from, even if she didn’t look much like her father. She must have inherited her dark curls and brown eyes from her mother, but her forthright manner was very like Rick’s. Fleur glanced at Rick, waiting for him to tell Ellie yes or no.

“Excellent idea, Ellie. Give me one of your crutches, Fleur. I’ll bring it along in case you need it.”

Fleur handed him the crutch. Rick wouldn’t let her fall over, particularly if she was holding his daughter’s hand. Rick got Ellie into her coat, and grabbed the pen and writing pad from the bed.

“You’ll look after Fleur’s pen for her, won’t you?” He put the pen into Ellie’s pocket, zipping it up so she didn’t lose it. “And remember to walk very slowly. No jumping around.”

“No, Dad.” Ellie slipped her hand into Fleur’s, looking up at her. “I’ll take care of you...”

They drew up outside the library, and Rick unstrapped Ellie from her seat while Fleur eased herself out of the car. Weight and balance. All the things that she knew from dancing suddenly made Fleur feel stronger, the way they had when she’d been a teenager. She made sure that she was steady on her feet, and then took Ellie’s outstretched hand. The little girl was clearly taking her responsibilities seriously.

* * *

Pam was waiting behind her desk, and when she greeted Ellie, that special mischievous smile that she kept for the kids, and a select few adults, surfaced. “Hi, Ellie. You’ve come all the way from England?”

“Yes.” Ellie was looking around as if she’d just walked into a wonderland.

If Fleur knew Pam, she’d be persuading Ellie, any time now, that she actually had.

“And what do you think of Maple Island?”

“I like it. We live in a lighthouse.”