Rick looked again. Maggie was right. The dance moves looked as if they were spontaneous but they were carefully choreographed. And although it seemed that Fleur’s partner was the strong, almost aggressive leader in the dance, he was actually following her, and allowing her to use his body as a support when she needed it.

It was breathtaking. Fleur might not be able to do the exciting, acrobatic dance that the company specialized in anymore, but these two were faking it with panache.

“Yes. Sorry...”

Maggie shook her head. “If I saw Alex dancing like that with someone I’d tie him up and throw him into the river. That guy is...” She fanned her face, grinning at Alex, who seemed quite unconcerned. Everyone knew that Maggie only had eyes for Alex.

One of the dancers sprang up onto the blocks at the edge of the fire pit, holding two flaming torches aloft. “Everybody, dance!”

As he shouted the words, the other dancers made their way into the audience, picking partners and leading them into the dance arena. Alex grabbed Maggie’s hand quickly, probably heading off a man who seemed to be coming her way, and she melted into his arms, their bodies swaying together to the music.

Okay. Everything was okay. Fleur was in no danger of undoing all the hard work that had been put into her recovery. In his heart, Rick knew that she never would.

But he couldn’t watch. Slowly, irrevocably she was moving away from him. Back to the life she’d left behind. The one she’d thought was gone forever. She might not be able to dance again, but she’d proved tonight that she could organize and put on a spectacle.

Rick walked over to the deserted drinks table, and poured himself a generous measure of Scotch. As he took a mouthful, he felt someone close, and knew instinctively that it was Fleur.

“Hey, you.” She took the jam jar out of his hand and helped herself to a sip. “Sorry I didn’t warn you about that. Things have been moving a little faster than I thought...”

Rick took a breath, trying to disperse the heavy weight in his chest. “You looked wonderful out there.”

She smiled. “Liam’s the best. He compensated for me...”

All the same, this Liam character might have contrived to look a little less as if he was making love to Fleur on the dance floor. Rick dismissed the idea that he was just trying to find something about the guy that he didn’t like. Theater and dance were all about the illusion, and Liam was probably kind to his grandmother and led a youth group for underprivileged kids in his spare time.

“I’m so proud of you, Fleur. You have a real talent for this.” Looking at the positives seemed a good way to go. And he couldn’t bring himself to dismiss the flush of excitement from her cheeks.

“Are you going to dance with me?”

He felt more like drinking than dancing. Rick took the jam jar back, swallowing down a sip of Scotch.

“I’m... I’m not a very good dancer. You should choose a better partner.”

She pursed her lips. “Yeah. Liam’s got some great moves and he’s a handsome guy...”

Okay. No need to rub it in... Rick felt himself frown. Fleur stood on her toes, whispering into his ear.

“If Liam’s going to make a pass at anyone, it’ll be you. And dance is all about expressing yourself. You’re the one I want to express myself with.”

“Right.” Suddenly Liam didn’t seem as bad a guy after all. “Have I just made a fool of myself?”

“I like it that I made you a bit jealous.”

Rick put the jam jar down on the drinks table, curling his arm around her waist. Their bodies began to sway along with the music. “Toying with me, are you?”

Her gaze was serious for a moment. “No. I’d never do that... What’s that you said about not being a good dancer? I love your rhythm...”

Rick kissed her, and all that he’d thought he’d lost—all that he knew he would lose—suddenly retreated. The here and now was all that mattered, and Fleur was in his arms. A slow dance, in the shadows that bordered the warehouse. Just one, before she went back to chivvying people around and making sure that the evening went well.


IT WAS ALMOST two in the morning. Alex had taken charge of the cash and checks, enlisting a couple of the security men to accompany him down to the night safe at the bank. Everyone had been thanked, and a fleet of taxis turned up to take both performers and guests home. Finally, Rick had Fleur all to himself.

Soft music drifted across the hotel lobby, and they followed the sound, finding that the night bar was still open for another half an hour. A pianist in the corner was playing relaxed night tunes, and the only thing possible was for Rick to take Fleur in his arms and dance.

“I’ve never seen that much cash before all in one place.” Fleur’s face was shining.

“And the checks won’t be totaled up until the morning. This is going to make quite a dent in the amount that Alex still has left to raise. You’ve made a difference tonight.”