When they were finally naked, she turned him into a quivering wreck, bringing him so close to completion that he almost begged her to stop, because he wanted this to last. Then she gave herself to him, calling out his name as she flung her head back.

Now he wanted it all. Every last bit of passion. Everything that she could give him. Rick held her tight, waiting for her to catch her breath, and then lifted her gently from his lap. He had to take his cues from Fleur. Make sure that she was in no discomfort and let her set the pace, however agonizing it was.

But her pace was just as urgent as his. She pulled cushions and a throw from the sofa, piling them onto the rug, and he laid her down on them. When he settled his body over hers, careful not to let his weight press down on her, she wound her legs around his waist, dragging him closer.

“Comfortable? My bed’s not too far away...” He made one last attempt to slow things down.

“I love it up here. And I want to feel you again, Rick. Now.”

“Like this?” When he slid inside her again, he belonged only to Fleur.

“Just like that.”

For a moment they were motionless. Two bodies joined together in intimacy, light and shadow moving across them in a smooth, intoxicating sweep. Then she began to squeeze the muscles that cradled him inside her, and Rick almost lost control.

Her lips formed into the shape of a kiss, and she whispered one word. It was the only word he wanted to hear right now.



IT WAS ONE of those bright, clear mornings when the sea sparkled. Rick had carried her back to his bed to sleep and make love again, and was watching the sunrise with Fleur slumbering in his arms. He couldn’t remember a time when he’d been so completely happy.

Not just body happiness, the feeling of his skin against hers, fused in warmth. Head happiness. When everything seemed very clear and suddenly simple. And the first order of the day was coffee.

He got out of bed, careful not to wake Fleur, because waking her was the second thing on his agenda. Pulling on a shi

rt and jeans, he hurried downstairs to the warmth of the kitchen.

* * *

Coffee...she could smell coffee. Fleur kept her eyes closed, feeling the mattress dip slightly under Rick’s weight. Then the scent of his body and the brush of his lips against hers.

“Open your eyes...” His finger gently tapped her cheek.

Seeing him was as good as the scent of him and the feel of him. He was wearing a dark blue casual shirt, the soft material unable to conceal the raw power of his shoulders. Blond-haired and square-jawed. Gorgeous.

“Hey, there.” She rubbed her eyes to get a sharper focus. Fleur wanted to take all this in.

“How are you doing?” He smiled. Did waking up get any better than this?

“Fine... Warm...” She moved in the bed, stretching her limbs, and a sharp pain ran down her leg.

“What...?” His brow furrowed. She didn’t want that, and Fleur reached up to smooth it with her fingertips.

“Just a little ache in my leg. Perhaps I overdid it a bit yesterday.”

“Maybe you should stay in bed today. Doctor’s orders.”

Fleur laughed. “Only you’re not my doctor anymore, remember?”

“Good point. Important point, actually...”

“And staying in bed with you isn’t likely to be all that restful...”

“Don’t worry about that.” Rick grinned. “I’ll fight you off.”

He reached under the covers, pulling a pillow down to support her leg. Wrapping the duvet around her to keep her warm, he handed her one of the mugs of coffee. Then he slipped his sneakers off and sat next to her on the bed.