Alex knew how to break her, and he knew how to be broken. Marie had always felt that was what sex must be all about, but this was the first time she’d allowed it to happen with anyone. He knew how to make her beg, but he had no hesitation in putting himself at the mercy of her touch.

‘So what’s four o’clock going to be?’

She snuggled against him, dropping a kiss onto his lips. They really shouldn’t be doing this. They should both be considering the benefits of an IV drip to combat exhaustion by now.

‘I can’t imagine.’

The glint in Alex’s eye told her that he probably could imagine and that he was doing so right now.

Marie closed her eyes again. ‘Surprise me.’

His arms tightened around her and he pulled her back against his chest. Already desire was beginning to make her tremble.

‘You like this...?’

One of his hands had covered her breast and the other was moving downward, nudging her legs apart. He held her tight, dropping kisses onto her neck.

‘Yes, Alex!’

She wriggled, trying to make his fingers move a little faster, and heard his low chuckle.

‘Four o’clock is all for you...’

* * *

At six in the morning there was the smell of coffee. Alex had left two cups on the table beside the bed, and was gently kissing her awake. They wished each other a drowsy good morning, and Marie reached for a cup.

‘Mmm. That’s better.’ Neither of them spoke again until the caffeine began to kick in. Then she said, ‘I should be going soon.’

Alex turned the corners of his mouth down. His expression of regret was just what Marie wanted to see.

‘I’ve got to go home for a change of clothes and a shower.’

She didn’t want to go either, but the idea of turning up to work in Alex’s jeans was impossible. The dress code at the clinic was relaxed, but that was a little too relaxed, and someone was sure to notice.

‘You won’t shower with me?’

Tempting. ‘We could try to leave one thing for next time.’

Voicing that fantasy had prompted a slip of the tongue and turned into a suggestion that there would be a next time. Neither of them had broached the subject; last night had been an exercise in the here and now, and no forward planning had seemed necessary.

He grinned suddenly. ‘I’m hoping that means you’re not going to break my heart and tell me that this is the first and last time this is going to happen.’

Break his heart? Marie left the thought where it belonged, along with all the other professions of love spoken in the heat of the moment.

‘I want a next time, Alex.’

‘Me too.’ He gathered the scattered pillows and leaned back against them, putting his arm around her. ‘It’s not going to be easy to keep everyone from noticing at work today.’

‘We could just stay in our offices.’

Marie didn’t really care if everyone knew, but it was common sense not to advertise the fact when you were sleeping with someone you worked with—especially not until you knew exactly where the relationship was going.

‘Nah. That’s not going to work. When two people suddenly start avoiding each other at work, the first thing everyone thinks is that they’re sleeping together.’

‘Hmm. True. How about being so busy that we don’t have time to think too much about it?’

‘Might work.’