‘I can’t see him. What’s going on?’

Sonya puffed out an exasperated breath. ‘Mark was at school with Andrew and Alex. You know that Alex was bullied?’

Marie nodded. ‘Are you saying that man was the bully?’

‘Yes—him and some of the other boys. Andrew told me some of the things they used to do to him and it made my toes curl. Oh, dear... I hope Alex doesn’t hit him or something...’

Alex was the taller and broader of the two. One blow from him would fell the other man.

‘No. It’s okay, Sonya. He’s not going to hit him.’

It was almost as if he’d heard her. The two men exchanged a few words, and then Alex held his hand out to Mark.

‘Oh, thank goodness.’ Sonya whispered the words as the two men shook hands.

Marie felt her head begin to swim. Alex must have known that this man might be here, and he’d never said a word. He was making his way back across the ballroom now, and as soon as he got within touching distance she took his arm, holding on tight.

She looked for Sonya, but she’d melted away into the crowd. She could let this go but... No. Actually, she couldn’t let this go. She needed to tell Alex how proud she was of him.

‘Sonya told me that man was one of those who bullied you at school.’ She stretched up onto her toes, murmuring into his ear.

Alex nodded, guiding her towards the back of the ballroom, where large doors opened out onto a terrace edged by stone balustrades. As they walked down the shallow steps to one side, into a secluded garden, she clung tight to his arm.

‘You did just shake his hand, right? That wasn’t some kind of death grip and he’s going to fall over any minute now and need urgent resuscitation?’

Alex chuckled. ‘No, it wasn’t a death grip. I shook his hand.’

‘It was a generous act. Sonya was afraid you were going to hit him.’

‘And you?’

‘For a moment, maybe, but then I realised you’re a lot braver than that.’

The lights of the city were beginning to brighten in the growing dusk. Here, in the quiet darkness, it felt as if they were all for her. Marie could be a queen tonight but, like Cinderella, it was only for one night. Tomorrow she’d have to g

ive up the glass slippers and get back to work.

He let out a sigh. ‘It didn’t feel... When I saw him, and decided what I was going to do, I thought it might be one of those cathartic moments that changes everything. But it was a bit of an anticlimax. He seems like just an ordinary guy now.’

‘Perhaps that’s the whole point.’

Marie reached up, brushing her fingertips against his cheek. He wrapped his fingers around hers, pressing her hand to his chest. Everything else seemed to take a step back, the chatter of the city and the noise of the party diplomatically turning their backs on them to give them one moment alone.

‘I’m so proud of you, Alex.’

The extra height her heels gave her meant that Marie didn’t have to stand on her toes to kiss his cheek.

‘I’m proud of you, too. I know it wasn’t easy for you to come here.’

Marie shivered as she felt his lips brush her cheek in return.

Slowly he propelled her away from the path and into the dark shade of an enormous spreading tree. Marie could feel the rise and fall of his chest against hers, and as her eyes adjusted to the darkness she saw tenderness in his face.

Marie couldn’t help herself. She heard his sharp intake of breath as she moved against him, brushing her lips against his. He put his arms around her, steadying her on the uneven ground, and then he kissed her.

Careful and tentative turned to demanding as a ferocious wave of pent-up desire washed over her. And Alex was already there, holding her tightly against his body as if somehow they could melt into each other and become one being.

His kiss was one that wanted it all. Everything that Marie wanted to give him.