Almost anything.

When the doorbell rang he wasn’t ready for Marie.

She smiled at him, stepping into the hallway. ‘Where’s your tie?’


She was wearing a pair of high-heeled black court shoes, which made her legs look even longer than usual. She had a dark green brocade coat on, fitted at the waist, and her hair was sleek and shining. She looked stunning.

‘Alex!’ She snapped her fingers in front of his face. ‘Earth to Alex!’

‘Yes. Nearly ready.’

That was about all he could manage in the way of communication at that moment. He just wanted to drink her in.

She put a small black clutch bag down on the hall table and started to unbutton her coat.

Where were his manners?

Alex helped her out of the coat, admiring the shape of her arms and the silky softness of her skin. The plain, sleeveless green dress was perfect, because it didn’t draw any attention away from her beauty. It was flattering, slim at the waist to show the curve of her hips and breasts.

Alex decided not to think the word ‘breasts’ again tonight; it would be sure to get him in trouble.

‘Please tell me you didn’t forget to get a tie.’ She was looking at him quizzically. ‘I’m not sure I can manage a late-night mercy dash to your tailor in these heels.’

‘I’ve got a tie. And some instructions.’

She turned the corner of her mouth down in a look of resigned humour. ‘You want me to give it a go?’

‘Yes. Please.’

He went to retrieve the tie and found her sitting in the lounge, perched on the edge of a chair, her legs folded neatly in front of her. He was beginning to revise his opinion of formal dress.

‘Let’s give it a go, then.’ She took the instructions from his hand and studied them carefully. ‘I haven’t done this before, but it doesn’t look so difficult...’

She got to her feet again, reaching up to button his collar. The touch of her fingers against his neck made him feel a little dizzy.

Consulting the diagram every now and then, she went through each step carefully. She was concentrating too hard on getting the tie right to be as aware as he was of how close they were.

‘That’s okay.’ He glanced at his reflection in the mirror over the fireplace. The tie was slightly crooked, but it was a big improvement on any of his efforts.

‘No, it isn’t—it’s lopsided. Come here, I’ll give it another go.’

Marie untied the bowtie and Alex stared at the ceiling, glad that he didn’t have to look her in the eye. He could feel the brush of her body against his, and reminded himself yet again that breasts were a forbidden thought.

‘I think that’s it.’ She stood back to survey her handiwork and gave a little nod. Alex looked in the mirror.

‘That’s perfect. Thanks.’

‘Okay, now the jacket.’

They’d said they would stick together tonight, and Marie was making his dislike of dressing up much easier to bear. Alex fetched his jacket, and handed her the pocket handkerchief. She folded it carefully and brushed a speck of dust from his shoulder. Then she tucked the handkerchief into his top pocket and Alex buttoned his jacket.

‘Let me look at you.’ She stepped back for a moment, looking him up and down. ‘That’s great, Alex. You’ve scrubbed up very nicely.’

‘You...’ Alex realised suddenly that he hadn’t told her how wonderful she looked, and that he really should make some effort to do her justice. ‘You’ve scrubbed up really well too.’

It was a paltry kind of compliment, but Marie was still pleased with it. ‘Are we ready to go, then?’