‘So when is this reception?’

‘Next month. I could go dress-shopping with you...?’

He looked as if he’d enjoy that far too much.

‘No, that’s fine. I can handle that.’

‘Then you’re coming?’

‘Yes, all right. I’ll come.’

At least it would serve as a reminder to her that she and Alex came from different worlds. That they could be friends, but anything more was unthinkable. It had always been unthinkable, but it was doubly so now that they were working together.

He grinned. ‘Great. I’ll let Sonya know. Should I quit while I’m winning?’

She could never resist his smile. ‘Yes. Please do that, Alex.’


MARIE HAD BOUGHT Alex an action figure. She reckoned it was what every boy needed, in case someone turned up in his office needing to play, and Alex had arranged the jointed arms and legs so that the figure leant nonchalantly against one of the plant pots on his windowsill.

She tried to repress a yawn, failing miserably. Jennifer Fletcher had expressed enthusiasm over an idea for a carers’ support group for mums like Terri, and said that she had another couple of friends who might be interested in helping. They were having to sort out all the relevant statutory checks for the volunteers who were going to be working with children, and assess the needs of the kids so that the clinic could provide the professional staff that would be required. It was going to take a couple of hours.

‘Why don’t we finish for the evening? This can wait,’ said Alex.

‘It can’t, Alex. We’ve both got a full day tomorrow.’

And Marie had left work at five o’clock sharp for the last couple of evenings. She was feeling guilty about having left Alex alone working, but her mother was having one of her crises and Marie had been up late, talking her down.

He opened his mouth, obviously about to protest, but the sound of the front gates rattling silenced him.

Alex went to the window, and then turned. ‘Nisha’s outside. You don’t have an appointment with her, do you?’

‘No, all her medical tests came back okay, so I referred her to our relationship counsellor...’

Marie followed Alex outside and saw that Nisha was walking away from the gates now. He hurried to unlock them.

‘I’m sorry...’ Nisha turned back to him, tears streaming down her face. ‘I shouldn’t have come...’

‘That’s all right. Come inside and tell us what the matter is.’

Alex’s question provoked more tears. ‘When I spoke to Anita at the clinic she said that we didn’t have to have sex...we could just spend time together. But one thing led to another...’

It was a measure of her distress that Nisha had forgotten all her reticence in talking about the problem.

‘Okay, well, come inside.’

Alex glanced at Marie. He had no hesitation in talking to patients about sexual matters, but he was clearly wondering if Nisha wouldn’t feel more comfortable discussing this with Marie.

‘We had such a lovely time. But now it hurts to pee, and I’m passing blood. Carol says it’s cystitis. What am I going to tell my husband?’

Alex frowned, clearly wondering whether Nisha wanted him to respond or not.

Marie decided to put him out of his misery. ‘Let’s go inside, eh? Alex, why don’t you take the pushchair?’

‘I’m so sorry. It’s later than I thought—you must be closed by now...’

‘That’s okay. I’m glad you came.’