‘Marie sums it up a great deal better than I can.’

Sonya flashed him a look that told him she agreed entirely with the sentiment, and then moved on. ‘Now, I’m rather hoping you have something presentable to wear, Alex.’

‘I have a suit...’ Just the one. It was the suit he wore for job interviews, and he hoped it still fitted.

‘All right. I’ll send you the names of a few good tailors, just in case.’

Alex’s computer dinged again and Sonya swiped her finger across her screen, in clear indication that she’d ticked that particular item off her list.

‘I’m very pleased with the website—are you getting anything via the enquiries page?’

‘Yes, quite a few things. Sofia’s coordinating that.’

‘Good. She seems very efficient. And the mural for your reception area? There are lots of possibilities there. How ever did you find these people? I’ve had a look at their previous work and it’s stunning. Inspirational, even.’

‘That was Marie’s idea.’

‘Of course...’ Sonya’s questioning gaze swept towards Marie.

‘Oh. Yes, well... They’re a group of artists who do wall art for charities and public spaces like hospitals and libraries. They choose the organisations they want to be involved with and work for free—we just pay for their materials.’

‘And who’s in charge?’ Sonya enquired.

‘Corinne Riley’s their coordinator. She’s about as much in charge as anyone is. She’s an artist, and works part-time as an art therapist. Her husband, Tom, is head of Paediatrics at the hospital where I used to work.’

‘And would they consider a magazine article, or even a short TV piece featuring their work here?’

Marie shrugged. ‘I could ask. I know Corinne’s very interested in spreading the word about how art can change spaces and involve people.’

‘It’s fascinating...’ Sonya’s mind was obviously hard at work on the possibilities. ‘Yes, please. And I’d love an introduction if you feel that’s appropriate?’

Alex smirked, wondering if Marie was taking notice of the fact that Sonya had just asked her for an introduction. It seemed she was, because she smiled suddenly.

‘I’ll email Corinne today and get back to you. Do you have any particular time in mind?’

‘If she sends me a couple of dates which suit her I’ll fit in with them.’

Sonya swiped again, and Alex braced himself for the next item on her agenda.

* * *

‘You do have a suit, don’t you?’

Now that Sonya had left, Alex’s office seemed a little quiet. Marie had waited to ask the awkward question.

‘Somewhere. Unless I left it at the dry cleaner’s...’

Marie frowned at him. ‘It’s not that suit you bought for your job interviews, is it?’

‘What’s wrong with that one?’

‘It’s not going to fit you any more.’

Alex put his hand on his stomach, sucking it in, and Marie laughed.

‘I meant across the shoulders. You’ve lost those fe

w extra pounds you were carrying.’