‘Mine took a week. The instructions are in your top drawer. Would you like

to offer me some coffee?’

‘Have I got any?’

Actually, Marie could do with some coffee. The combination of cake and beer last night had left her feeling a little fuzzy this morning.

‘Behind you.’

He indicated a door at the far end of the cupboards that lined one wall, and sat down in one of the chairs on the other side of the desk. Marie went to look and found that the door concealed a neat worktop with a coffee machine and supplies. A splash of colour next to the line of cream mugs caught her eye.

‘You got me a mug!’ She took the bright pink mug down from the shelf and examined it. ‘With a flying pig! You remembered!’

‘You always used to say that you wanted an office with a sofa, and time to sit and talk with your patients.’

The informal seating area in his office contained four easy chairs, covered in a chocolate-coloured fabric, but for Marie he had chosen a sofa and two chairs in a lighter cappuccino colour.

‘And when you said that nothing was impossible, I told you that pigs might fly...’ It had been a joke between them. ‘Thank you, Alex.’

He seemed pleased with her reaction, but there was still a hint of reticence about his manner. The man Marie knew would have seen only exciting new opportunities, but Alex seemed burdened by his responsibilities.

He’d come round. The clinic would be opening next week, and as soon as it started to fill with people he’d respond to that. He was going to have to if this place was to reach its full potential. Alex had so much more than money to give, and it needed his creative enthusiasm to thrive.

Marie switched on the coffee machine, running her finger along the selection of different capsules. ‘I’m going to have to try all of these, you know. I’ll work from left to right.’

‘I’d expect nothing less of you.’

When she put his cup down in front of him, he nodded a thank-you and pushed a manila envelope towards her. Marie opened it, tipping the contents out onto her desk.

‘These are yours. The credit card is for any purchases you need to make, and the key card opens every door inside the clinic. Those two keys are for the main door, and the other one is the main override for the alarm system. The car keys are for the practice’s vehicles.’

Marie laid the keys and cards out in front of her on the desk. This was the start of it all...

‘The IT guy will be coming in on Monday to set up your computer. Let me know if there’s anything else you need.’ Alex got to his feet, picking up his mug. ‘I’ll leave you to settle in, if that’s okay. I have a few things to do.’

Marie had wanted to share all this. Unpacking the bag she’d brought with her and taking a tour of the clinic to see all the work that she and Alex had been discussing for the last month. But Alex was already halfway out of the door.

‘Yes, okay. Maybe we can sit down together later today to go through some things?’

‘That would be great.’ He flashed her a sudden smile. ‘You like your office?’

‘It’s better than I could have imagined. Thank you so much, Alex.’

‘My pleasure.’ He turned, closing the door behind him.

Marie leaned back in her chair, listening to the silence. There was a lot to do here. A whole community of health professionals to build. There were mountains to move, and the most stubborn of them had just walked downstairs. Alex had built his dream, and although he had a fierce determination to see it thrive, Marie sensed he couldn’t love it.

That was going to have to change.

* * *

After Saturday’s quiet solitude, most of which Alex had spent closeted in his office, the bustle of workmen and staff on Monday morning was a welcome relief. Marie spent two days with Sofia Costa, the practice manager, interviewing the shortlisted candidates for the medical support team, and on Wednesday morning picked up the flowering plant she’d brought from home and went down to Alex’s office.

She’d wondered if his subdued manner was a reaction to their kiss, part of some kind of attempt to keep things professional, but he was like that with everyone. Thoughtful, smiling, but without the spark that made him Alex. In one way it was a relief to find that it wasn’t just her, but it was clear that the change in Alex’s life and the months spent developing this place had taken their toll on him. He normally thrived on hard work, but this was different. It seemed to be draining all the life out of him.

‘The interviews went well?’ He looked up from the pile of paperwork on his desk.

‘Very well. It was difficult to decide, as they were all good candidates. But Sofia and I have chosen three who are excellent. I’ve emailed their CVs to you so you can take a look at them.’