‘I’m going to take more responsibility for things. I’ll pay her back every penny of the money I took. I want to make a difference, the way she does.’

Alex laid his hand on Zack’s shoulder. ‘You made me proud today, Zack, and I’m sure your sister feels the same way. And, yes, you are going to keep working until you pay her back.’

Zack nodded, getting to his feet. ‘She’ll be wondering where we are. I’ll drive.’

* * *

Marie’s jeans were still spattered with blood, but she’d washed the grime from her face and hair, and cheered up considerably when Alex gave her the exact details of Charlie’s condition.

‘He was lucky. How on earth do you think it happened? Everything coming down on top of him like that?’

‘Jim told me that he caught him climbing up those shelves the other day, to get something at the top. He gave him a dressing down—told him it was dangerous and said he should use the stepladder. But I guess Charlie didn’t listen.’

Marie quirked her lips. She knew as well as Alex did that there was no saving people from themselves. ‘What about the mess? Should we go and clear up a bit?’

‘That’s okay. Jim’s been on the phone to a couple of his guys and they’ll take care of it. I think we’re done for today.’

Neither Marie nor Zack argued. Alex claimed the car keys from Zack, saying that they’d drop him home, and Marie directed him to a neat two-up, two-down terraced house with a riot of colourful plants in the front garden.

‘I’ll come in with you...’ Marie went to get out of the car but Zack reached forward from the back seat, grabbing her.

‘I’ll deal with Mum.’

Marie frowned. ‘Are you sure? You can’t just tell her about it and then disappear up into your bedroom. You know she worries.’

‘I’ll make her a cup of tea and talk to her. You’re not the only one who knows how to do that, you know.’

‘No, I know.’ Marie grinned suddenly. ‘Okay, then, Zack. See you tomorrow?’

‘Yep. Bright and early.’

Zack shot Alex a grin and then got out of the car, loping up the front path and turning to give them his characteristically ebullient wave.

Alex put the car into Drive and accelerated away before Marie could change her mind.

‘He did well today.’

Marie didn’t ask where they were going, and Alex decided to head for his flat. Maybe he could make her lunch.

‘Yes. He told me he wanted to make the kind of difference that you make.’

‘That’s nice.’ She smiled. ‘Mum tells me that he’s got a severe case of hero-worship. “Dr King says this...” “Dr King did that...”’

She was twisting her fingers in her lap, clearly thinking about something. Alex wondered if it was the kiss, and hoped not. In between dealing with Charlie, he’d been thinking about it enough for both of them.

‘I was wrong.’

‘Were you?’ In his view Marie was perfect. ‘What about?’

‘I thought that if I worked hard enough then I could fix things. I could pay Mum back myself and persuade Zack to buck his ideas up. But I couldn’t. I had to stand back.’

‘That’s the most difficult thing sometimes. Not that I’d know—I don’t have a great deal of experience with families...’

Marie was so involved with her family. That might have its difficulties, but she felt a part of them. Indissolubly linked. Alex had worked for most of his life to distance himself from his family.

‘You know people, though.’ She reached forward, pulling her phone out of her handbag. ‘Mum hasn’t called me yet. I suppose that’s a good sign...’

‘Put it away, Marie. Give Zack a chance to deal with things. I know you’ve always been there for him, ever since he was little, but maybe it’s time to let go now.’ Alex ventured it as a suggestion.