‘Leave it, will you? Try relaxing for a few minutes.’

It was impossible not to, in the heat of his smile and the rhythm of the music.

‘I’ll take a hot towel for my face while you’re there...’ she called after him as he made his way to the kitchen, laden down with the remnants of their meal.

‘Sorry, ma’am, we’re fresh out of hot towels. Coffee will have to do.’

Marie rolled her eyes, teasing him. ‘No hot towels? What kind of service is this? I’m not coming back here again!’

‘I’ve got a dark roast arabica...’ he shouted through from the kitchen, and Marie chuckled. Alex always served good coffee.

‘You’re almost forgiven,’ she shouted back.

He returned with two cups of black coffee, with a thick foamy crema on top. Even the smell of it was gorgeous.

‘That’s it. This is definitely a five-star establishment.’

‘It can’t possibly be. I’m not done yet.’ He grinned at her, catching her hand. ‘I’ve got moves.’

Another one of those old jokes that had stood the test of time. They both loved to dance, and Alex’s grinning query as to whether she had moves, and his promise that he had a few of his own, would often prompt them to dance until they were exhausted. Marie had often wondered whether it was a substitute for sex, but had decided not to think too deeply on the question.

‘My moves are already asleep. I will be too, as soon as I get home.’

Alex was far too tempting at the moment. Too delicious and complicated. She’d never wanted to be one of those women who went out with Alex for a few months only to see him walk away without looking back.

‘Are you sure? You’re tapping your foot.’

He turned the music up, trying to tempt her, but when Marie laughed and shook her head, he turned it back down again.

‘Okay, your loss. It means you’ll just have to tell me what the matter is.’

‘Nothing. I’m just tired...’

* * *

How many times had Alex heard Marie say that nothing was the matter? How many times had he asked and felt shut out when she wouldn’t talk about it? He’d accepted it once, but it was becoming more and more difficult to take what she said at face value and turn away from her.

‘I can wait you out.’ He sat down, taking a sip of his coffee.

Marie smiled. How she managed to do that, when she was so tired she could hardly keep her eyes open and clearly worried about something, was beyond him.

‘Great coffee.’

‘Yes, it’s a good blend.’ Alex decided that Marie’s diversionary tactics weren’t going to work on him any more. ‘I’m still waiting.’

She puffed out a breath. ‘It’s nothing, really. I just... I was up a bit late last night, talking to my mum. She’s worried about my youngest brother.’

‘What about you? Are you worried about him?’

She gave a frustrated shrug. ‘I’m always worried about Zack.’

This was something new. Alex knew Marie had always supported her younger brothers, but she’d never really said much about the day-to-day process of that. Just that her mum often found that three boys could be hard to handle on her own and needed a bit of help. Alex had assumed that Marie helped out financially, but it seemed there was more to it than that.

‘What’s the problem?’

Perhaps he’d remind her that they’d been friends for a long time. Maybe he’d even mention that Marie had given him a hard time over the secrets he’d kept.

‘You know... He’s twenty...’