‘Really?’ Helen beamed. ‘Well, he might be looking for one. And it’s about time you found yourself someone nice and had some bairns of your own.’

‘I’m happy as I am, Helen. I have everything I want.’ The assertion sounded old and tired, as if she was trying to convince herself of something. Flora wondered how many times she’d have to tell herself that before she really believed that Aksel was no exception to the rule she lived by. That there was no exception to the rule. Fear of rejection made the practicalities of falling in love and having a family impossible.

Helen brushed her words aside. ‘He’s very good looking. And tall. And such a mane of hair, it makes him look rather dashing. I dare say that he’d be able to sweep someone off to lots of exciting places.’

‘He’s actually better looking close up. Blue eyes.’ Flora gave in to the weight of the inevitable, and Helen clapped her hands together gleefully.

‘I like blue eyes. Mountain blue or ocean blue?’

Flora considered the question. ‘I’d say mountain blue. Like ice.’

‘Oh, very nice. And is he kind?’

* * *

Flora had worked through her list of patients, and when she arrived back in the communal sitting room, she found that Helen had decided to take part in the exercise class today. It was a first, and Flora wondered whether it was an attempt to get a closer look at Aksel’s blue eyes and broad shoulders, and make a better assessment of both his kindness and his capacity to sweep a girl off her feet.

‘Right, ladies and gentlemen.’ Everyone was here and seated in a semi-circle around her, ready for the gentle mobility exercises. ‘I brought along a new CD, ballads from the sixties.’

A rumble of approval went round, and Flora slipped the CD into the player. Carefully chosen songs that reflected the right rhythm for the exercises.

‘We’ll start with our arms. Everyone, apart from Helen, raise your arms. Reach up as high as you can...’ Flora demonstrated by raising her own arms in time to the music.

The response was polite rather than enthusiastic, but the music and a little encouragement would warm things up. ‘That’s lovely, Ella, try the other arm now. Helen, you’re sitting this one out... Now gently lower your arms. And up again...’

This time there was a murmur of laughter and the response was a lot more energetic. ‘Very good. Once more.’

A sudden movement from Helen caught her eye, and Flora turned, following the direction of her pointing finger. Everyone was laughing now.

Aksel was leaning in the wide doorway, smiling, looking far more delicious than he had any right to. And in front of him Kari had obligingly raised one paw, lowering it again and raising the other.

Flora put her hands on her hips and walked over to him. Behind her she could hear chatter over the strains of the music.

‘You know what this means, don’t you?’

Aksel shook his head, flashing her an innocent look.

‘There’s a spare chair right there, next to Helen.’ She may as well give Helen the chance to look him over in greater detail. ‘Go and sit in it.’

‘Yes, ma’am.’ His eyes flashed with the ice-blue warmth that she’d told Helen about, and Aksel went to sit down. Kari trotted to her side, obviously having decided that she was the star of the show.

‘Right. Let’s do one more arm raise.’ Flora raised her arms again and Kari followed suit, raising one paw. There was more laughter, and everyone reached for the sky.

‘Well done, everyone. Aksel, I think you can do a bit better than that next time...’

Flora always kept a careful eye on everyone during her exercise classes to gauge how well they were moving and that no one was overdoing things. And this time Aksel was included in that. His left arm was fully mobile but he wasn’t extending his right arm fully upwards, and she guessed that it was still hurting him. His neck seemed a little stiff as well.

Kari was loving all the attention, and when the exercise session was finished she trotted forward, eager to get to know everyone. Flora started to pack up her things, leaving Aksel to lead Kari around the semi-circle and introduce her.

She’d expected that Eileen would be keeping her eye on things, and saw her standing quietly at the doorway.

‘What do you think?’ Suddenly it mattered to her that the dog visiting scheme was a success. That Aksel should feel useful and accepted here, rather than dwelling on all the things that he felt he’d done wrong.

Eileen nodded. ‘The written plan for the scheme was very thorough and I liked the thought behind it. This is the acid test.’

Flora looked around. Kari was in off-duty mode, which meant that she was free to respond to someone other than her handler. She was greeting everyone with an outstretched paw, and receiving smiles and pats in return.

‘It looks good to me. Kari certainly made everyone a bit more enthusiastic about the exercises.’ Aksel had done his part in that, too. He’d joined in without a murmur, smiling and joking with everyone. His charm had contributed almost as much as Kari’s accomplishments.