It did seem that way. Although Ross had had no idea that Laurie would manage to strike up such an instant rapport with the boy.

He dismissed the thought that everything she’d done so far seemed calculated to keep him at arm’s length. That didn’t matter. What mattered was that Laurie gave Adam what he needed, and in the process found healing herself. If Ross was to be consigned to the role of bystander, then so be it.

‘You said that his teachers have sorted out some schoolwork for Adam to do while he’s away. Perhaps we can go over the schedule together...?’

‘Yes. Thanks. I’ll make some tea.’ Ann beckoned Ross into the kitchen.

It was hard to keep his mind from wandering away from what Ann was saying. Ross could hear Laurie laughing and talking, the note of enthusiasm dragging his attention away. Then silence, followed by the sound of the video game that Adam had been playing.

‘Oh!’ Ann looked up from the timetable in front of her, smiling. ‘Is Laurie into video games?’

‘Um... Not as far as I know.’ Ross searched for any memory of a games console in her room at the clinic and came up blank. ‘I’ll admit it didn’t occur to me to ask.’

‘No, I dare say it’s not the first thing you think of at a job interview. But Laurie certainly seems to be getting through to Adam, and these days that’s a minor miracle.’

It was working. Ross had privately had his own reservations about the arrangement and Laurie had voiced hers in no uncertain terms. But if she saw what he did, then Laurie would have to come to the same conclusion that Ann had.

‘Yes...gotcha!’ He heard Laurie’s voice from the other room. ‘No! That was a sneaky move, Adam, how did you do that?’


He heard Adam laugh, explaining a bit more about the game to Laurie. Then the sound of electronic battle as they started to play again.

* * *

Ann was seeming a lot less worried about the prospect of her son being away from home for the next few weeks, and when they’d finalised the arrangements for Adam’s schoolwork Ross accompanied her back into the conservatory.

‘I’m sorry to drag you away...’ He grinned at Laurie and she gave him a slightly sheepish look.

‘Oh. Yes, of course.’ She gave the games controller back to Adam and flashed him a smile. ‘This isn’t over, Adam. I’ll get you next time...’

‘In your dreams.’ Adam was clearly looking forward to the next time, and since that would be at the clinic, Ross was all for it.

‘There’s a bus that runs past the end of the road and goes straight to the station. If you can manage with your bags?’ Ann looked at her watch. ‘The traffic won’t be too bad at this time in the afternoon.’

‘Thanks. We’ll manage.’ Ross decided that he should take at least part of the responsibility for Laurie’s large suitcase, and surprisingly enough he received a nod of assent.

As soon as they were out on the pavement, and Ann had shut the front door, she glanced up at him. ‘Sorry. About the video game.’

‘Really?’ Ross shot her a sceptical look.

‘, probably not. Adam’s a competitive kid.’

And Laurie had given him something to compete with her over. The boy couldn’t have missed her own fierce will to win.

‘You play video games?’

She shrugged. ‘No, not really. Never, in fact. But Adam does, so I guess I can learn. He says I can get a costume upgrade after I’ve played a few more rounds. That’ll be a relief, my avatar looks like an entrant in a beauty contest at the moment.’

‘And what do you get after you’d played a bit more?’ Ross couldn’t help but ask.

‘Body armour. And a large sword...’

‘Right.’ He couldn’t fight back the smile that accompanied the mental image of Laurie in body armour, her hair glinting in the sun. Twirling a large sword over her head. ‘As you seem to be getting on with him so well, I’d like you to draft an exercise programme for him.’

‘Great, thanks.’ Laurie’s eagerness to get involved was obvious. ‘But that won’t put Sam’s nose out of joint, will it? She’s an outstanding physiotherapist...’

‘Yeah, I know she is. Sam’s just pleased that she doesn’t have to put up with you undermining all her good advice. She’ll be fine.’