‘How’s he doing?’ He was sprawled on the sofa, and Hannah moved his leg so that she could sit down, leaning against his knee.

‘He’s good. Mum took him to the zoo today, and he had a great time.’

‘That’s nice.’ Matt’s eyes were almost closed, and Hannah’s were sore and prickling from lack of sleep as well. ‘Is it too early to go to bed?’

‘No. Considering we had two hours’ sleep last night, I think it’s acceptable. I think I feel worse than if I’d worked straight through.’ Hannah yawned.

‘Nah. A few hours is better than nothing. Will you take it the wrong way if I take you into the bedroom, rip all of your clothes off and then go to sleep?’

‘You’ve got the energy to rip my clothes off?’ Hannah teased him.

‘No, not really. On second thoughts you might have to do that yourself. Finishing the presentation is about as much gratification as I can take tonight.’ Matt gave her a lazy smile. ‘I may well feel differently in the morning.’

Sleep and then Matt’s embrace. It sounded like heaven. ‘Thank you, Robin. For everything. I wouldn’t be here without you.’

‘Thank you, Flash. I wouldn’t be here without you.’

* * *

Monday had been set aside for the judges to talk to the competitors about their projects, and there was also time to see the other teams’ proposals. Their phones had been returned, and Hannah couldn’t wait for Sam to get home from school so that they could video call and she’d be able to show him what she’d been doing, and where she was staying.

The hospitals that were competing had sent representatives to discuss the proposed projects with the judges, so that they could assess their viability. Hannah saw Matt with Dr Gregson, the chairman of the hospital board, the two men chatting affably as they made their way across the room towards her.

‘Hannah.’ Dr Gregson held his hand out to her. ‘You and Matt have made the most wonderful effort for the hospital. We’re all enormously grateful to you both. Win or lose.’

‘Thank you.’ Hannah took his hand, feeling her ears burn.

‘Hannah’s come to an arrangement with Sir James Laurence.’ Matt was grinning.

‘You have?’

She would have preferred a little more time to decide how to put this to Dr Gregson, but he was here now, and obviously pleased with what they’d done. Matt was right, she should strike while the iron was hot.

‘I asked him whether he’d be willing to donate the prefab if we didn’t win the contest. We wouldn’t be able to afford to do everything we’d planned, but I told him that I’d raise the money for the sensory rooms myself. If you and the board will agree to it, that is.’

‘That’s very enterprising of you.’ Dr Gregson thought for a moment. ‘You have my full support, Hannah. I’m sure the other members of the board won’t need a great deal of persuasion either, I’ve already spoken with some of them on the phone and they’re delighted with your ideas for the project.’

‘Thank you.’ Hannah heaved a sigh of relief.

‘Of course it may not be necessary.’ Dr Gregson smiled. ‘I may be biased, but your project is the best I’ve seen. We’ll speak again when we find out whether you’ve won.’

Dr Gregson took his leave of them, and Matt turned to her, smirking. ‘That wasn’t so bad, was it?’

‘It was horrible, Matt! I could kick you.’

He assumed a look of innocence. ‘Why? You didn’t have time to get nervous about what you were going to say. And you were perfect, just as you were when you charmed Sir James into giving you a prefab.’

‘He didn’t give it to me, he gave it to the hospital. And anyway I didn’t charm him. Our project speaks for itself.’

‘It speaks with your voice.’ Matt’s confidence in her always made Hannah smile. ‘I’m going to go and check my email. Will Sam be home from school yet?’

Hannah looked at her watch. ‘Oh, yes. I’d better call him now, before it’s time for the results to be announced...’

* * *

Matt’s email had obviously contained something that had soured his mood. When Hannah took her phone upstairs so that Sam could say hello to him, he was sitting, staring at the wall. He cheered up a little to talk to Sam, but Hannah was sure that his smile wouldn’t last for long after she left him to give Sam a guided tour of the swimming pool and the gym in the basement.

When she arrived back in the conference room, he seemed cheerful enough. They sat and waited as the final preparations were made, and he curled his fingers around hers. They were both nervous, but being nervous together somehow made it all right.