Numbly, he followed her out of the health centre and back down the hill towards the harbour. They walked in silence. This was too big a thing for small talk, and Ben wasn’t sure where to start with the things that really mattered.
‘Is here all right?’ She pointed to a small taverna, which looked out over the harbour, with seats outside that were shaded from the late afternoon sun.
‘It looks great.’ Anywhere would be fine. Ben had the feeling that Arianna would shine in the darkest of dungeons, and that her dress would still shimmer around her legs in the same way.
She chose a table to one side of the bustle of the main seating area, and sat down. A waiter appeared, greeting Arianna by name, and she asked Ben what he’d like and then ordered in Greek.
‘I’m glad you came, Ben. It’s good to see you.’ Now that they were finally able to talk, she seemed a little unsure of herself.
‘I wasn’t sure if you would be.’ He felt strong suddenly. As if once more he should protect her from whatever she was feeling.
‘What makes you say that?’
‘I read... What led me to you was a news article. It said that your brother had been on the ferry, and that he drowned.’
‘Yes. That’s right.’ Arianna’s frank gaze found his. ‘I would have drowned too, if it hadn’t been for you.’
Ben shrugged. ‘If my coming here is an unwelcome reminder of that day, then... I’d like you to tell me.’
‘You think I could ever forget about it?’ Arianna raised one eyebrow.
‘No. I can’t forget and... I had to come...’
She pursed her lips in thought. The waiter reappeared, unloading a tray of drinks and snacks and disappearing just as abruptly. Arianna reached for her coffee, taking a sip.
‘I’ve never forgotten you, and I’ve always wondered what became of you. And now I know your name at last.’ She gave him a smile that made Ben’s heart lurch.
‘And I’ve found out that broderie anglaise is the correct description for that dress of yours.’
She laughed suddenly. ‘So we’ve both got some answers. I’ve always wondered about what happened to you after you lifted me into that boat. Tell me what you’ve been doing all my life.’
It was tempting to tell Arianna that he’d been waiting for her. That wasn’t entirely true. Ben had done many other things, but wondering about the little girl in the white dress had probably been his most long-term preoccupation. And, lately, jumping into the water after her had seemed to be one of the few things he’d done exactly right.
Was he about to put all of that at risk? Turn the perfect memory into something vulnerable, which could be destroyed by the present? But when he looked at Arianna he couldn’t believe that she would destroy anything.
‘Right from the beginning?’ He took a gulp of his coffee, feeling the strong taste hit the back of his throat.
‘Yes. How did you get back to the shore—did you swim all the way?’
‘I was a pretty strong swimmer and I reckoned I could make it. But I was very glad when someone saw me and a boat came to pick me up. It was a bit different from swimming in the pool at home. So was attempting to rescue someone.’
‘I’ll bet.’ Arianna leaned back in her chair. ‘Those dummies they use in the pool don’t wriggle quite as much as I remember doing.’
‘They don’t hang on as tight as you did either. You were very brave.’
She smiled suddenly, and Ben wondered if anyone had ever told her that. ‘You were the only thing I had to hang onto. I owe you my life.’
Something warm and proud bloomed in Ben’s chest. That feeling had changed his life and guided him through all of his darkest days. He owed Arianna his life as well, but didn’t quite know how to say it.
‘Well...’ He decided to stick to the bare facts of the matter. ‘The boat picked up a few more people and then took us all back to the harbour. I managed to find my parents and my brother and sister, and got a real telling-off from my dad for running off.’
‘You didn’t tell him that you’d saved someone?’
Ben shook his head. ‘No. I felt... It felt so good that... I wanted that feeling all for myself so I kept it a secret.’
‘Which is why I could never find any reference to you when I looked back on the news coverage. I knew that you’d survived, though, because you weren’t amongst the list of casualties.’ Arianna smiled. ‘Another mystery solved.’
The thought gave a whole new meaning to his memories. ‘You looked for me?’