Page 4 of Virtually Bossy

Subject: Not an Option!


Be in my office at 7am tomorrow.


I didn’t wait for a response. It wasn’t a debate: she had to be in my office the next morning or she would be out of a job. I didn’t know her situation and I had to get to a meeting. I buzzed for HR to pass on the details, confident that tomorrow I would have a secretary by my side, and judging by Olivia’s lack of enthusiasm for the change of arrangements, I was confident that it would be all work and no play. She had to be a hermit or something. But frankly, after Scarlett my dick could do with a rest from both work and play. I didn’t even understand how I’d gotten myself into this fucking mess.

Silly me.

Once bitten, twice shy. Sometimes, I act as if I’m not thirty, but twelve, especially when it comes to girls. I’d been messing around with girls in the playground instead of getting in touch with real women. Experienced ones that knew what they wanted and knew how to act like a woman and not cry like a baby after one fuck and expect a ring on their finger.

Even joining the private BDSM club that Lenny, my old friend from college said that I should join with him sounded like a good option. He said that it was an elite club and based on members only. The ladies were checked and the men based on invitation only. When he first suggested it to me, it sounded like a high-class brothel. But if it meant that my dick was satisfied and I didn’t have to deal with the type of awkward situations like the one I had with Scarlett earlier then it was a good thing. I couldn’t deal with that shit again.

Maybe it was a good thing that Olivia was a hermit with one too many cats. It meant that I was unlikely to be tempted by her and I wouldn’t even think about fucking my secretary. She would get more money and out of the house. Give her cats a break, they could probably do with it and I would join Lenny’s club. It was a win-win situation. For the first time this morning I had a fucking smile on my face, because I thought out of the box again and it fucking worked.

Chapter Three


My finger hovered over the keyboard, ready to tell him that I couldn’t come to the office. The point of being a virtual assistant was to stay at home. I had to look after my mom and I couldn’t afford to hire a nurse to help her.

Scarlett knew about my situation, the situation that led to me working practically 24/7. The times I wasn’t helping my mom, I was working. I used to be a top executive, but the moment Mom started suffering from dementia, I started working from home. At first it was fine getting a nurse to look after her, but then she started to get worse and besides she brought me up. It didn’t feel right passing her on to another, because she wasn’t well.

Since I’d been at home, she’d spent most of her time with me in the room. Sometimes reading the same page over and over again. At times, reading became too much for her and she tended to watch television, which she really enjoyed.

It had been nearly three years since I’d been a virtual assistant. I didn’t want to change it. I used to have other clients, but they never paid as much as Hamilton Investments, which is why I made them my sole client.

“I need to tell him the truth. Maybe he’ll be reasonable?” I suggested to the computer, psyching myself to pick up the phone.

Mom shouted out, “Who dear?”

“My boss.”

She shook her head, “Who are you?”

I was just about to answer her; I could see the confusion in her eyes. The confusion that appeared from time to time whenever she hadn’t taken her pills.

“Shit!” I shouted as I headed to the kitchen. One thing about Mom, especially when she was this confused, was that she wouldn’t get angry. If anything she would cry about her confusion.

“Who are you?” she demanded, and as I stood up, I turned and saw her. She hadn’t been this bad for a while. Yesterday, we had such a good day in the park Mom started reminiscing about the good old days when I was a kid and then she’d take me to the park. She even mentioned dad and how we used to enjoy our times in the park. To her it was just a memory that she was voicing and it wasn’t anything special. Yet, for me it was everything, because whenever she did that, it gave me hope. Warmth. Knowing that some part of her memory remained, that somewhere in there she was still my mom.

“I’m here to help you.” I started to breathe slowly, trying to get her to focus. It was a technique that I’d learned when I went on a course in order to learn about taking care of a relative with dementia. Her dark eyes were filled with tears. I knew the next stage was coming soon. “I just don’t remember. I don’t remember anything today.”

She looked down and I saw that her pants were soiled. I had to change her and get her into bed. I had seen the generous financial offer that Mr. Hamilton had sent with his email demanding that I go to the office.

I had to go in. As soon as I took my mother up for her bath, which normally made her sleepy, I cleaned the kitchen, and then got on the phone to my brother.

It would take four weeks for my first pay packet to be paid and then I’d be able to get a nurse. Ross did say it was for six weeks; I assumed that things would go back to normal after that. Until then Carl, my brother, would have to take care of her. A visit once a month when he only lived five minutes from the house wasn’t good enough. I was sick of acting like the only child and taking on every single responsibility. For once in his life he would have to stop living off his inheritance from our grandparents and actually do something meaningful with his life, which at this point included looking after Mom.

Chapter Four


It was just before seven and I was sitting at my desk. Fuck, you would think that I was on a date or something. Olivia hadn’t responded since I sent her the message telling her to get her butt in here and part of me was nervous that she wouldn’t show up.