“It’s okay, dump away.”

Willow giggles slightly and the sound is sweet to Liam.

“Listen Willow, I can…” Liam cuts off and clears his throat, not sure how to say what he wants. “I can help you out some. You and Frank.”

“You don’t have to, Liam. That’s not what I wanted. I didn’t sleep with you so you’d help us.”

“I know. I can help though, if I can. I know what it’s like to be alone.”

“I don’t want you to feel like you owe me anything, Liam. Besides I could be your stepdaughter.”

“Which means that I should definitely be helping you.” He smiles at her.

“And if Harriet shows up, are you going to kill her?”

He shakes his head, “No. But I do know one thing. For now, you can count on me if you need anything. Okay? Friends, right? Knowing that either one of us might have to leave quickly and disappear. I think it’s best if we’re just friends.”

“I can do friends,” she says quickly.

“Good,” he whispers into her ear before nipping at the lobe.

When she presses her rounded bottom into his hardening cock, he doesn’t stop her. Liam bites the back of her neck, shifts her thighs, and slips his cock into her waiting heat. As he moves against her, he realizes that he’s lied to her. And to himself.

They’ll never be just friends.

He wants more, he was never good at friendships, but then again he was even worse when he tried having a relationship. Yet, for the first time in a long time, he can’t think of having anything less with Willow.

Chapter Ten


Willow keeps waiting for her bubble to burst. The past few days have been some of the happiest she can remember. Liam has been taking care of Frank and it didn’t seem to bother him one little bit.

They have walked to the park where she watched Liam chase Frank around the duck pond. They’ve gone for ice cream and stopped by the library. They’ve moved between both apartments like there wasn’t a wall separating them. Liam has leaned on the end of her sofa and talked to her through the open door while she bathed Frank. Willow has dusted Liam’s window sills with a smirk and a joke about single guys. Frank has been ecstatic when Liam fired up the TV and showed him what Netflix was. Frank has squealed like a puppy and plopped in front of Liam’s widescreen television to watch new episode after new episode of Paw Patrol. Liam has pulled Willow around the corner into the kitchen and kissed her until she can’t breathe. And every night, Willow has cooked, pulling favorite childhood recipes from her memory and recreating them for Liam and Frank.

Then, the electric bill falls out of the mailbox and into her hands, the red envelope a glaring reminder that she needs to get back to work or wind up sitting around in the dark. She glances guiltily at the small pile of envelopes shoved behind her TV. She can’t keep ignoring them. If she doesn’t pay soon she’ll be out of water, electricity, and possibly even a place to live. Willow chews at her lip, tilting her head back and blinking rapidly to keep the tears filling up her eyes from falling.

She doesn’t know what to do about a sitter, especially when all her wages were spent on them. She had limited options, because she knows that the moment she enrolls Frank into daycare Frank will find them.

It is as if she is sweeping all her problems under the carpet and not thinking about her reality. Willow is down to her last dollar and she had to figure out what to sell in order to pay a bill. She sits trying to figure out how to survive. Part of her is fed up of this type of life and Liam has been a welcome distraction. She is interrupted from her thoughts when she hears someone knocking on her door. She stands up, ready to open the door when, Liam pushes it open and walks in with a pie from the nearby diner. Willow wipes away her tears and smiles brightly, hoping that he won’t notice that she’s been crying.

“Hi. Ooh, what’s that? Smells amazing.”

Liam drops the pie onto table and draws closer to her. His fingertips are light as they trace a trail of tears down her cheeks. “What’s wrong?”

“Just, life: bills, babysitter, job, having to move. It’s always the same thing. Sometimes I feel like I’m stuck in that movie where the guy has the same day over and over.”

Liam nods but his eyes drift away from hers, his thoughts are concealed behind his careful expression, because he doesn’t have a clue how to comfort her. That’s not his specialty.

“Well, how about some pie? Cherry. Your favorite.”

He changes the subject, hoping that it’ll put her in a better mood and maybe then they can talk about how to get around the financial issues. Right now, he can’t deal with her being emotional. He needs her to be in a better frame of mind so that they can work on the problem together.

“Um, yeah, sure. I’ll make some coffee.”

Willow heads into the kitchen and starts pulling plates from the cabinets. She keeps her back to Liam so he won’t see the anger that’s building across her face.

She’s scared and worried about the future and annoyed at the same time that Liam just wants to eat. She slams the plates onto to the counter a little harder than she means to. A large, warm hand wraps gently around her neck and turns her around.