“Oh. Oh, well…okay.” Willow shuffles backward, her hands on Frank’s shoulders as she tries to turn him back down the hall. She wasn’t sure what she expected but she didn’t think he’d turn down a free meal. She’s surprised to find that she’s more disappointed than she expected.

Frank slips out from under her hands and bounces back over to Liam. “Hey, come eat at my house. We can play trucks if you want.”

“No, sweetie. Come on.” Willow tugs on Frank but Liam holds up a hand and drops down into a crouch, eye to eye with Frank. Willow steps back and watches as this guy, who’s never been anything but curt with her, smiles brightly at her son and talks to him like they’re the best of friends.

“You really want me to come over, little man?” Liam asks.

“Yeah, come on.” Frank reaches out and tugs on Liam’s hand.

“Okay,” he glances up at Willow “I’ll be over shortly then.”

“Cool!” With that Frank turns and skips back to their door.

Willow is fiddling with the hem of her shirt. “If you don’t want to, I understand.”

“I said I would. I wouldn’t want to disappoint the boy. Give me a few minutes and I’ll be over.”

“Okay then. See you shortly.” Willow backs down the hallway, stopping in her doorway, glancing inside. Frank is already zooming his truck around the sofa. “See you,” she says again, before slipping inside and closing the door. Her heart is pounding as she leans back against the door. What just happened? Had Frank softened up the tough guy or had that just been a front? Willow chews on the inside of her cheek and glances down at her worn shirt before heading to the bedroom. No harm in looking decent for dinner company, right?

Chapter Four


Damn, he never could resist a kid. And the kid was adorable, almost as adorable as his mom. Liam rubs his hands over his face and blows out a long, weary sigh. It’s just dinner, he tells himself. It doesn’t mean anything. She’s being friendly, paying him back for fixing her sink. She’s got a great rack. Liam shakes his head to clear the image. He can’t let a banging body and a pretty smile sway his vow to stay the hell away from needy women. All women, really. In his experience, they cause more trouble than they’re worth. Especially the pretty, needy ones. But, he can’t let the kid down. So dinner it is.

Liam heads into the bathroom and splashes his face with water, scrubbing at the tension lines across his forehead before shucking his t-shirt and slipping into a button-up shirt. He wasn’t trying to impress anyone but he didn’t want to go over looking like a complete slob. After his quick beauty routine he steps out into the hall and heads to Willow’s door. He raps sharply on the door and hears Frank yelling and his mom shushing him. He smiles at the sounds but schools his face into his normal bored expression when Willow pulls open the door.

“Hi, come on in.” She steps back and ushers him in with a smile. “Have a seat.”

Liam gives her a quick once-over and notes he’s not the only one who changed for dinner. She’s pulled up her hair into a loose bun and slipped into a little sundress with small, blue flowers dotted over a white background. A row of buttons curves over her breasts and down the length of the front. He has a quick flashing image of ripping open that row of buttons and finding out she’s wearing nothing underneath. He pushes the thought away and shifts quickly around her, heading to the sofa where Frank is sitting with his plastic truck.

“I’ll only be a few minutes,” Willow says over her shoulder as she makes her way to the kitchen. Liam watches the way her skirt sways across the backs of her thighs. Some of her hair has escaped her bun and curls across the sweep of her neck. It looks tender, like it’s inviting someone to take a bite. Shit. Liam stretches his leg out awkwardly as he realizes the fit of his jeans is suddenly tighter. The feeling goes as quickly as it came when Frank bumps his truck over the top of Liam’s feet.

Liam leans over, propping his elbows on his knees, and smiles at the little boy zooming his truck over the carpet and around Liam’s legs. “What you got there, little man?”

“My best truck.” Frank grins proudly and holds the toy up for Liam’s inspection.

Liam takes it from the boy and turns it over in his hands, inspecting it from all angles, making appreciative noises before handing it back to the kid. “That’s a pretty awesome truck there.” Frank grins and climbs onto the sofa beside Liam, pulling his truck up behind him. He settles in and starts babbling at Liam, his entire lispy conversation centered around someone called Firedog, or Marshal, or both. Liam isn’t sure really but he keeps up his part of the chat by nodding.

While the kid is chattering, Liam takes the chance to get a better look around Willow’s apartment. While everything is obviously second-hand, she takes care to keep her place clean and neat. Their few possessions are tidy and organized: books stacked under the small television stand, toys in a small basket in the corner. He sees that Willow has tried to make the place homey, with a plant near the window, which is draped with striped curtains, and colorful pillows stacked on the only chair. There’s a shabby comfortability to the place that Liam likes. The babbling of the preschooler next to him and the delicious smells wafting from the kitchen only add to the scene and Liam finds himself relaxing for the first time in years.

Wait just a second now.

He gives himself a mental shake and gets up from the sofa, heading over to the window and peering down into the small building courtyard. He can’t let himself get comfortable. Can’t let his guard down. Can’t let anyone in. That could be dangerous. The last time he let someone in he’d wound up in the worst situation of his life. He’d have this one meal and be on his way. Willow and her cute kid and delicious-smelling meal and perky ass be damned.

“Dinner’s ready, guys.”

Liam turns to find Willow standing in the doorway to the kitchen, a frilly little apron wrapped around her waist and sweet smile on her face. Is this chick for real? He’d only ever seen a girl in an apron in a porno film. He hopes that isn’t what she has in mind. When the kid jumps down and runs into the kitchen Liam gives himself a mental smack. Of course she’s not trying to seduce him. Her kid’s running around and maybe some chicks really do wear aprons. And maybe this will turn out to be the longest meal of his life. Liam takes a deep breath and follows Willow into the kitchen.

The small table is set for dinner and the smell is incredible. This girl can cook. Frank jumps into a chair with a little seat attached to it and Liam slides into the spot next to him, checking out the spread on the table. Liam didn’t think meatloaf could look appealing but

hers is nicely browned and arranged in slices across a tray, sauce ladled over the top. A bowl of fluffy potatoes dotted with butter and whole green beans are on offer too. And topping it off, a basket of what look like homemade rolls emit a delicious waft of yeasty steam when Willow pulls the napkin off the top.

“Damn girl! Where did you learn to cook?”

She laughs as he begins to eat as if his life depends on it. He wants to be polite, but once he’s had a taste of everything, the last thing he wants to do is stop.

“My grandma taught me.”