Holy crap!

I didn’t need the pressure of trying to pee, finding out if I was pregnant, and someone seeing me at the same time. I decided to focus on peeing. I finally had the guts to pee and I was going to do it, but whoever was at the door was starting to make me feel nervous.

One minute I was getting up and the next I would sit back down on the toilet. I wasn’t even focused on the fact that I had the stick at the back of me.


I needed to put it in the middle of my legs. I moved my hand and then tried to pee at the same time, but it was splashing everywhere and I wasn’t even sure how much of it was actually getting on the stick compared to the rest of the bathroom.

“Errh!” I screamed out as I tried to control my pee and stop it from splashing anywhere else. That’s when I heard my name being called out.

“Adele! I know that you’re in there.”

Oh, so now he wanted to talk. I hated him, not only for making me pee all over the seat, my hand, and the floor, but because he was the last person that I wanted to see right after the river that I’d held inside of me stopped.


I took the stick to see if at least in the mess I’d made, I’d at least peed on it. I sighed as I saw the stick going into action. I didn’t even see what it was doing as I put it down on the toilet and then began to clean. What would Mom think when she came in and smelled my urine all over the bathroom. God, it stinks! It was as if the scent was so damn strong that it was almost poisonous. I decided first thing first, I would hop in the shower, clean up, go to the closet and then clean the bathroom. I’d use paper to clean it and then use the mop with a whole lot of bleach afterwards to drown the smell. I nodded as I thought about my task, ignoring the fact that the prick was outside. He could wait. The same way he made me wait in New Moon after our sexy time in the hotel.

Chapter Four

I grabbed some tissue and started clearing up the remains of my piss. I flushed the toilet and did everything robotic like about my trip to the bathroom, but, this wasn’t a quick urinating session. I’d done it with a purpose and now that it had gone, I found myself feeling emotional one minute and crying like a baby. Like the one inside of me. And the next, I found myself taking deep breaths, trying to clean up with tissue any piss that had splattered onto the floor.

The instructions had said that I needed to run the stick under the pee for a couple of seconds. I hadn’t peed in so long that I hadn’t counted it right. I’d tried counting a second or two and then it’d been three, or maybe it was four?

Again the doorbell was going, but this time not just the doorbell. I could hear him yelling outside. The one that’d dumped me like a piece of trash on the curb. He wasn’t going to go away. I needed this time for myself just so that I knew what to do next.

I stopped crying, and once again, started cleaning.

Cleaning and then crying.

All the while he was yelling my name as if his life depended on it. I took a deep breath trying to compose myself before opening the bathroom door. I knew that there was only one person at the door. He was screaming out my name like a man possessed. I couldn’t believe that he was all of a sudden worried about me.

“Adele! Please, I didn’t mean it. I just want to make sure that you’re okay. I know you’re there, open up the door!”

I was so damn mad, I started walking down the stairs, and the more he kept repeating the line, I decided that I would head back up again. He left me like a jilted bride at t

he altar. He didn’t give two hoots about how I was getting home, and now he was acting as if he was so concerned about me.

Too little too late.

I grabbed the test from the bathroom sink and went back down the stairs again. If he thumped any harder, then the whole door would drop and Mom would have my guts for dinner. Not only for getting knocked up, but for letting him break the damn door.

“Coming!” I shouted as I tried to calm myself down and get down the stairs in one piece. As soon as I opened the door, he started waving his arms.

“Shit, Adele. You scared me. I thought that you were walking back home or something. I went back, and you weren’t there.”

Really, Liam, I was at the diner for about an hour after he left. I wondered if he managed to go home, kiss his bike for staying away from it for a night, before heading back to get me. There was no way that he would leave his bike the way that he left me. God knows he loved the damn thing more than anyone else, especially me.

“I even came back with the tests. I thought that we could do it together.” He waved the bag that he bought from the pharmacy. The one that he dumped me at so that he could do what? Fuck knows. I didn’t care right then. I just wanted him off my front doorstep, before all my neighbors knew that I was pregnant before I even had a chance to tell Mom.

“We need to know if you’re…”

He shrugged as if he was talking to a stranger. Did he think that in the midst of it, I’d forgotten that there was a chance that I was pregnant?

I was trying to calm down before I spoke, but I didn’t have the chance when he did all the talking for me. He just seemed to like the sound of his voice. I was holding onto the door. He couldn’t see the test that I was holding in my hand.

“Are you just going to stand there, or let me in?”