“You stuck here?”

I nodded unable to say a thing because of the way that Liam had embarrassed me in her store earlier. He’d treated me like a child, then again what parent would just leave their child out on the street? If I was pregnant, I’d make sure that our kid had nothing to do with his dad, he was useless before it was even born.

“I can give you a ride. If you like?”

She smiled down at me; I couldn’t believe that she was being so nice. Then again, she’d witnessed the way that Liam had treated me.

I didn’t hesitate in saying, “Yes, please. But you don’t know where I live.”

She agreed, “I know, but I think that you could do with someone to talk to right now and I’m not only offering a lift, but a chat too. If that’s okay?”

She was like a guardian angel that had come to take me out of my misery. How could I say no? I stood up with my purse and my backpack which held the sexy number that I had on last night. I took it out of the bag and threw it in the trash. I didn’t want any memories of last night for as long as I lived. Liam had proven himself to be a jerk. One that I wanted nothing to do with from that moment onwards.

Chapter Two

I didn’t understand why she came to help me, I should have said something, told her how grateful I was, but I was so confused about the trail of events. I kept looking out. Expecting that any minute Liam would come back for me.

I checked my phone.


I couldn’t believe that he’d left me like that, but as time went on, I stopped thinking about him and started worrying about myself. About my future. It was clear that Liam didn’t want to be a part of it. Not anymore. Now that he knew the consequences of us being careless.

I kept racking my brain, trying to understand. I should have asked how come she wasn’t working at the pharmacy or some kind of conversation, but I was exhausted. I kept expecting Liam to tell the driver to come back. That he’d made a mistake and he didn’t mean it.

The reality of being out there for nearly thirty minutes and him not turning back and coming to see that I was okay started to hit home.

“I hate him!”

She said, “So, you should. God, he’s a jerk. Hey, let’s get something to eat before we go.”

I shrugged as I saw that we were standing in front of a diner. I didn’t feel like eating, but then again I didn’t feel like going home right then either. I was stuck in the middle of the city. At least twenty minutes from Small Borne and he just dumped me like a piece of trash.

I followed her like a little child. I still had my backpack in my hand. I put my purse inside. Without the weight of not only my dress, but my heels from last night, my bag felt a bit empty. Just like the way that I was feeling right then. Empty. As if he’d taken a piece of me in the limo.

Her dark eyes kept smiling at me. Trying to offer me some kind of comfort, but I felt as if her smile went straight through me. I didn’t know her. I did a quick peek in my purse, I was sure that I had about ten dollars on me.

I’d eat light and go to the ATM on the way to help pay for gas. That was the least I could do, especially since she’d gone out of her way for me.

“What would you girls like? Actually, Rita, I know what you’ll like. But you, sugar, what would you like?”

“What does Rita have?”

I’m saying her name as if I know her. Rita had never introduced herself. All she kept doing was smiling at me. It offered some comfort, especially when I didn’t even know her.

“She normally has the special, which has been the same special for the last two month in Rita’s eyes.”

My eyes dart from the waitress who could easily be my mom apart from the waitress has bangs. Big ones that she loved playing with like a teenager.

I decided that these guys are so friendly, maybe I’d move out there just so that I wouldn’t see the jerk again. The one whose baby I’m carrying.

“I think that she’ll have the same as me, Barbara.”

She nodded and I saw her looking at me as if I were strange, but seeing her face just reminded me of Mom. I’d thought that Liam’s reaction was bad, but it was nothing compared to what her’s was going to be like. A lot worse. A whole sight worse. But one thing was for sure, she wouldn’t have left me in the city like that.

“Rita, now I know your name. I’m Adele by the way.” I blinked my eyes a couple of times trying to focus and stop the tears from falling. “Do you help every teenager that comes in looking for a pregnancy test?”

She laughed and nervously looked around the diner probably trying to avoid eye contact. I just stared at her trying to figure out why a total stranger was helping me like this.