I scoffed, “Good for you. You go get married to him.”

Then I turned around and started to head up to my room. I shouldn’t have left her feeling like that. I’d seen the look on her face as she said that she was getting married, her eyes lit up. Mom rarely smiles, but she had a smile so wide that it nearly lit up the room. She was happy and I was ruining it for her.


Not, because I was bothered about her wedding, or even the idea of her marrying Liam’s dad. The thing that upset me the most was that she was happy. She was happy and I felt as if my life had come to an end.

Chanel called out to me, “Don’t you really want to tell her the reason that you’re unhappy?”

I turned and then she said to Mom, “Congratulations, I’m happy for you, Laurie. Adele is too, but she needs to tell you something.”


She was so subtle and if it was any other time then I would have stormed off to my room. As I watched her tilt her head to the side. I knew that I had to tell Mom the truth. I needed to get it off my chest.

Mom ran to me, “Did Liam try to hurt you? Is this what this is all about? I mean I know that you’re a virgin and he wasn’t booking the hotel room to give you a midnight dance. I know that things have changed from my day. My parents wouldn’t have approved it, but today it’s a…”

I couldn’t take her ramblings anymore so I just spat it out.

“I’m pregnant!”

She carried on as she blinked, ignoring the words that had just come out of my mouth. “I think that it’s supposed to be hip or whatever to go to college without being a virgin. I suppose it was a big thing in my day too. Just that I never had the…Adele, did you just say?”

I nodded thinking that it had sunk in, she’d realized that I’d told her that I was pregnant.

“And this baby, it’s Liam’s?”

Again, I nodded.

“From last night?”

I rolled my eyes at the idea Mom didn’t think that I knew about the birds and the bees. She obviously didn’t know about Liam and I sneaking around, we were discrete, but then maybe because she was too busy fooling around with Henry, she’d been too blind to see.

Chanel decided to spell it out, seeing as the conversation between Mom and I was on the road to nowhere. Mom was holding on to both of my arms, she said that I tended to drift sometimes, so whenever we had a serious conversation she would hold onto my shoulders just to look me in the eye, so that I could focus. She didn’t hold onto them tightly or anything. Just enough for me to know that she wanted me to stand still. Chanel whispered, “It happened before last night, but we just found out now.”

She turned to Chanel. “You’re pregnant too.”

Chanel shook her head. “Just Adele.”

Mom sighed, “I see.” She moved her hands from my shoulders. She didn’t want to make a point anymore. The only thing that she said was, “I need a drink. A strong one. This is going to be a long night…”

I didn’t know what she meant, I didn’t really care. I just knew that things were going to change and not for the better, only for the worse…to be continued in book 4.

Coming soon in book 4!

I needed to step up and be a man. For the first time in my life I needed to ask for help.

I didn’t know how to do it.

My list consisted of my best friend and my dad.

He’s too busy being loved up.

And my best friend wanted to give me a helping hand.

He did that alright by giving me a wakeup call.

I didn’t realize that my life was a mess.