I shook my head and handed it to him.

“Here! Get on your bike and think about that!”

He took the test and then dropped it. I slammed the door in his face. I didn’t wait for him to say another word, but I was sure that he picked it up. I headed back up the stairs, and all I could hear was silence on the other side. He knew that there was no need for me to do the test. I’d done it already, and now he knew the results.

My tears no longer fell as I crept onto my bed and put on my headphones. Music became my sanity for a while until I fell asleep. No longer did I think about the test or even Liam. No one else mattered right then. All my dreams and aspirations had been put to the test, and in my confusion and the emotional roller coaster that I’d gone through the last few hours, they’d taken every piece of energy out of me as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


I woke up a couple of hours later. Music was still playing in my ears and night was soon approaching. I wondered where Mom was at this time of night, but then part of me didn’t care. The longer she stayed away and I was alone, the better.

As I picked up my phone, I saw a few missed calls from Liam and the same number from Chanel. It was as if she was calling every fifteen minutes or something, because on cue as I was about to redial her number, she called.

“Hey,” I whispered as my throat was dry and I was still feeling a little sleepy.

“Adele. You okay?”

I could lie to her and tell her that I was great. On top of the world, but I was far from it.

“Do you want me to come over?”

That sounded like music to my ears. I got off the bed and then started heading down the stairs. The same place that I went when Liam was banging on the door like a mad man.

Chanel was quiet. I knew that he’d probably told her. He was probably shouting it from the rooftops as he rode around town on his precious bike.


I paused as I opened the door and switched on the light.

“Yes, I’m here.”

“Good, so do you need me to come over? I don’t mind. I wanted to come over, but I didn’t know if you wanted to be alone or not.”

I nodded as I looked down at the ground, the same spot that Liam had dropped the test was empty. He’d picked it up. He saw it and knew the answer to his question. I was pregnant.

“I could do with a friend,” I whispered as I choked on my words.

“Good, because I’m on my way.”

I hung up, closed the door and sunk behind it waiting for her to turn up. It would take her a few minutes. I hugged my legs, feeling so alone. Something that I didn’t feel like being right then.

Chapter Five

I didn’t know how long I sat by the door, but from the moment the doorbell rang, I didn’t hesitate in jumping up and opening it.


She smiled as she hugged me. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have left you like that at the Prom. I never knew. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I didn’t want to ruin Prom for you.”

She pulled back and said, “You kidding me? You didn’t want to ruin Prom for me.”

I nodded as I ushered her into the house and then closed the door behind her.

“You’ve been sitting here in the dark. Adele, why are you doing this alone?”

I couldn’t tell her that I did part of it with a complete stranger. She wouldn’t understand, part of me wondered if I knew what was going on right then. Everything seemed to be out of my hands, and the craziness seemed to be taking it over because I felt as if I was someone different. A person that I’d never been faced with was coming out of me, and I didn’t like it. Not one bit.