“That’s exactly what I said to Dwayne as we left the Prom. He’s always talking about it.”

She shrugged, “Maybe that’s why you’re such best friends, because all you do is think about the same thing.”

What the fuck? We had one romantic evening and we were back to this. Whatever this was. I didn’t fucking know anymore. With my limp dick hanging out and with her moving away from me, I moved closer toward her and blurted out, “What the fuck Adele? One minute you’re all over me like a rash and the next you’re treating me as if I’m one of the walking dead.”

She darted out of my way and then I took her arm, “We’re not leaving here until I have answers. I’m fed up of this shit.”

“Really? You’re fed up of this shit. Liam in case you haven’t noticed, I haven’t been well lately.”

“No, I didn’t notice. I just know that you’ve been fucking miserable. Does that constitute as being sick?”

Her eyes rolled as if she was a fucking dragon or something, with hot air in her breath to leave me dead in an instant.

“Let me go!”

She barked at me, which kind of took me by surprise. The calm and quiet Adele had been replaced by this monster. The girl that I’d spent the night with and thought of it as nothing but pleasure had disappeared and right now it felt like fucking hell.

“No, not until you answer me. Not until you tell me what’s upset you?”

She wasn’t going to fob me off like she had when I picked her up from the house. Now she had to answer me even if she didn’t like it. We were not leaving this room until I had a fucking answer. She decided to go into a staring contest. Fine by me, ’cause I was in it to win it.

“We’re going to college soon.”

Shit, that must have been it. Sometimes I’m such a fucking insensitive prick.

“And I might not be going.” She chewed on her lip and then started to wander around the room, picking up her clothes.

“Why the fuck would you want to stay in town? I know one thing for sure: I’m going. If you don't want to, then that’s your choice. You can’t beat me up about it, because you want to stay…”

“I’m pregnant!”

I stood with my mouth wide open. I felt as if the room had spun out of control; the air sucked out of me as I dropped onto the sofa that she had been sitting on a few minutes ago.

I opened and closed my mouth like a fish and asked the magic question, “How many weeks?”

“I don’t know.”

She’d caught my attention.

“What do you mean that you don’t know? What did the doctor say?”

She cleared her throat, “I haven’t been to the doctor yet, because I haven’t done the test yet.”

Fuck! She’d scared me. She could just be fucking late.

“And I’m not six weeks late. So don’t even try and say that I must be late.”

“Adele, we’re going to do the test and then we’re going to do the doctor’s. Until you’ve had confirmation then you’re not jumping to the wrong conclusion. Understand me?”

She started nodding her head, but I knew that she wasn’t hearing what I was saying, because I know that being pregnant wasn’t the only reason that you missed your period. There could be other things wrong with her. I knew that we weren’t going to find out by staying in a hotel room.

We had to check out now and our first stop would be a pharmacy!

To be continued in book 3….

Coming Soon in Book 3

I hate him, so damn much. He drives me to the clinic and the next thing I know I’m there alone.