He came back down and kissed me. It felt like the promise of something new. Something that I never knew I wanted until now.

I needed to get out of town. I didn’t want to repeat my mom’s mistakes by not leaving. But yet, in a single kiss so magical, Liam had made me think twice about it.

I shook my head thinking that I’d just lost my virginity, the virginity that Liam was so eager to take.

“Are you okay?”

I nodded my head, thinking that this was the start of something magical. He stroked my hair and his stare made it known that I’d moved him just as much as he’d moved me. He’d done more than just popped my cherry; he had struck a chord in my heart.

Chapter Five

We were dressed and Liam was holding me in his arms. I felt safe and warm as we sat on the mat. I knew that something had changed within me after we put on our clothes. He didn’t feel like the boy that I wanted to avoid anymore. The opposite; he felt like the boy that I couldn’t see myself without.

“Liam, are things going to be different now?”

“Do you want them to be?”

I hated when someone answered a question with a question.

He laughed and then kissed me on the cheek, “I was kidding; sure they’ll be different.”

I was just about to say something when both Dwayne and Chanel came out of wherever they’d disappeared to and it was clear—as Chanel’s skirt seemed to be a thing of the past—that they’d been up to exactly the same thing we had been.

I laughed as I saw Chanel trying to get the leaves out of her hair. I stood up and decided that I would help her, “Have fun did we?”

She hugged me and said, “More importantly did you have fun?”

I kissed her on the cheek and squeezed her so tight. “I did. Thank you.”

She pushed me back and said, “You didn’t?”

I laugh, “We did.”

Then she ran up to Liam and hugged him, well not exactly hugged. More like she jumped on top of him and then he tried to get up and she kept pinning him down.

“You saved her!”

“Not exactly, I was just a virgin. Now…”

I didn’t know how to describe it, but I had a feeling that I would wake up in the morning and things would be different.

“Shit.” Chanel started to scratch furiously.

“Where were you earlier? You weren’t by the stinging nettles were you?”

Dwayne answered the question, “Fuck, I’ve never been to that side. I thought that the nettles were on the other side.”

That was when I realized that Dwayne may be pretty with his blue eyes and blond hair, but as I’d always suspected, he wasn’t the brightest bulb in the box.

“I was too busy thinking that at last Adele was going to get over her grief and just live for once.” Chanel was panting and scratching like crazy. First her legs, but then as her hands started to rise up her legs, it was clear the part that she really needed to scratch, and Liam wasn’t going to let her do it while he sat beside her.

“Ever since…”

I knew what she was going to say and I didn’t want to talk about it. Whenever situations like this happened, his name would come up. She had no right to do that, not to me, not now.

“We need to get you home!” I blurted out as I held her hand and started to walk with her back into the woods. Where we came from.

“I’ve got my bike. It’ll be quicker,” Liam offered, and he had a smile on his face. I couldn’t tell if it was a mischievous one or he was thinking about what we’d done lately.