“Who says that I’m still a virgin?”

“Come on Adele!” said Chanel. “Don’t play games. Besides it’s called Truth or Dare for a reason. You’re not the one that’s supposed to be asking the question!”

Really, what does this woman know about truth!

She lied to me about coming here!

“Well it looks as if she doesn’t want to answer so you have to give her a dare, Liam.”

Then there was this moment of silence; the thing that boys do as if they have some secret code that only they know the answer to.

“Take off your clothes and throw them in the woods.”

“All of them?”

Both guys nodded and I look to Chanel. Instead of protesting, she whispered a bit too loudly, “You could have just told them the truth!”

Chapter Three

The night seemed to go on and on, and not only was I slightly dizzy from drinking too much, but also I was cold from sitting in my panties in the damn woods.

It was my idea; I was the one that started playing this stupid game. No one had forced a gun to my head. The crazy part was that Chanel felt bad so she had stripped to her underwear too, before it was even her turn. Neither of the guys protested about it. I did, a bit, but once again I felt like the stick in the mud at even suggesting that she should keep her clothes on, when everyone was happy for her to be naked.

I must admit that the guys had thought of everything and weren’t the reckless assholes that I had thought they were. They had made some hotdogs so we wouldn’t be completely drunk, and the mood changed as they didn’t seem so sleazy as Liam lifted up his arms and took off his shirt.

“About time it’s not just us that are half-naked!” I sighed. At least they were stripping as I shoved the last piece of hotdog in my mouth.

“You don’t want to tell us about Felicity Nalti?”

I smiled at him as I thought about the Italian exchange student. The one who claimed that she had gone all the way with Liam. The one that told everyone how big his cock was and how he loved to have it sucked.

One time in the cafeteria, she even went as far as to show us with her corndog.

I hated her from the moment she started at school, not because of her dark black hair and matching dark eyes. Simply because the first boy’s attention that she caught was Liam’s. She must have started school at nine a.m. and by ten they were walking in the hallway together. I didn’t even know how they’d met.

I pretended that I wasn’t interested in the stories, but it was clear from the moment I heard them that I was jealous. That was my wake-up call to remind me to stay as far away from Liam as possible but every time he was near I just couldn’t get him off my mind.



“Well, you’re the one that took off your bra the moment, we even mentioned Pete Wilson’s name. So, do you want to tell us about him? Did he manage to pop your cherry?”

“That’s none of your business!” I stood up, forgetting that I had one arm covering my breasts and the other holding the hot dog.

“You made it my business the moment you started going around with that nerd.”

“Really! So, you think that going out with big busty, cock-sucking Felicity was the way to win me over?”

What the hell was I saying?

The fucking truth. We weren’t playing a game anymore and I should have just kept my mouth shut, but I was confessing as if I was a sinner in church.

I continued. “Oh, she couldn’t wait to tell the whole school about your cock. The things that it could do and I had to sit and listen to that day in and day out.”

“Did it make you jealous?”

He was really pulling my chain.