“And then Liam turned up at your date saying that you asked him to come and save you from Pete.”

“And I really liked Pete. I couldn’t even explain to him that Liam’s a jerk and how could I ask two men out at the same time?”

“I don’t even know why you asked Pete out in the first place?”

I sighed, because we’d had this conversation so many times. I’d always left out the part when we were in the cafeteria and Liam came up to me and said that we should go to his place and get it out of our systems. He accused me of having a thing for him. I went out of my way to prove that I had nothing for him, by asking Boring Pete out. He was the safe option. Until Liam turned up, I was kind of bored. Everyone is whenever Pete starts to talk, but he’s such a nice guy. It’s just that no one wants to talk about Star Trek all night, apart from Trekkies, and no one wants to look at his collection of monuments via photos or the stash that he keeps in his backpack, again apart from Trekkies. After that night, he went and asked a Trekkie fan out and they’re happy in love and I’m just…

“Anyway, let’s just get it over and done with.”

I picked up my speed thinking about that night with Liam. There was another part I always missed out. Once Pete was out of the way, Liam held me in his arms and kissed me, then he broke away saying, “Pete could never kiss you like that.”

He had a point, but he didn’t even ask for permission; then again I didn’t protest. I watched as he left me like a jilted bride on my doorstep after giving me the kiss of the year. Shit, it was my first kiss and it wasn’t just that it made my panties wet. It just made me want him even more. But, I’ll never confess it to Chanel, and certainly not him.

Chapter Two

“There they are.”

I stood nervously seeing just Liam and Dwayne were sitting by the electric lanterns, which were in a circle.

“Where’s everyone else?”

I whispered to her as she picked up her pace.

“Oh, I forgot to tell you. We’re the only ones coming.’”


“Last week in the barber shop he asked me to come alone. Well not exactly alone,” she paused, but then continued, telling me a different story to the one that she’d been telling me ever since she told me about that night.

“He said that I should bring a friend.”

“A friend!”

“Yes, but that was code for just bringing you.”

“How did you work that one out?”

“Come on, it’s not like I’m going to bring anyone else.”

I held on to her arm before she even thought about taking another step.

“Why didn’t you ask Hazel or Rebecca or someone else? We hang out as a group!”

“Oh, none of them would come. Besides you and Liam have history together.”

Before I could even say another word as quick as lightning she was away from me, heading to them and waving her arms in the air.

“We’re here!”

Fuck, damn right we were there and I didn’t want to be. She’d tricked me and she damn well knew it. If I’d known all of this then I wouldn’t have come. Hazel would have come if she’d asked her, but she didn’t, because she chose me on purpose.

“Great!” Dwayne screamed out, and Liam muttered something to him. He whispered it in his ear and it annoyed me even more as his eyes darted in my direction.

Why was I walking toward them, and not the opposite way?

Number one, because I get lost trying to get out of Walmart. I have no sense of direction and I needed Chanel to show me the way back to our bikes.

Number two, well there wasn’t one; I just felt like numbering them.