One of his eyebrows was lifted, and he was giving me a strange look. Of course, he was, because I kept staring at him with wide eyes and my mouth gaping open, but not saying anything.

“Hi,” I blurted out, then wanted to kick myself.

The other eyebrow went up, and his lips twitched like he wanted to laugh at me, but he was kind enough not to do it in my face.

“Okay, seriously, why did you lie for me? We don’t know each other, right? Or do I owe you?”

A stab of hurt pierced my chest. Of course, he didn’t know me. Well, he didn’t know he knew me was more appropriate. I knew he didn’t realize who I was, but still, hearing him say it was a little heartbreaking. I was tempted just to turn and leave it all right there. Leave him, leave my thoughts of him and the plan to get him to recognize me. I would feel so much better if I stopped chasing after something that would never happen.

I didn’t do that, though, instead I forced myself to calm down as I faced him.

“I don’t know why I did it,” I said honestly, calmly. “It just… happened.”

“How could that just happen?” He retorted, the frown back. “You’re going to be in some serious trouble; you know that, right?”

I shrugged, even though I didn’t feel quite so blasé. “It doesn’t matter now. It’s done already, and if I go back in there and say I lied, then I’ll just get into more trouble, and so will you, probably.”

“You’re probably right,” he said, nodding slowly. “Anyway, I’m Evan. Stewart. You probably know already, since he was shouting it and all, and you’re Anita, right? Or so I heard.”

“Uh, yeah, that’s me,” I mumbled awkwardly, ignoring how my insides trembled when he said my name.

“Anyway,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. “Thanks for doing what you did. It helped me out a lot, I really can't afford to get in trouble, and I’m grateful. So, I guess I’ll be seeing you around.”

He shot me a wide smile before he walked past me to head for class. He didn’t seem to notice he’d left me frozen once more, from that dazzling smile. I was happy, too, that he finally knew my name. Even if it did get me into trouble.

Chapter Six


I felt a little guilty as I went through the rest of my classes for the day. Well, guilty, but also deeply intrigued by that girl.


I had thanked her for doing what she did, but that didn’t feel like enough to me. Besides, I wouldn’t mind sitting close to her even if all I got to do was watch her. Her clothes weren’t a slim fit and didn’t show much skin, unlike a lot of the girls I saw every day, but I was starting to think that underneath those clothes, she had delicious curves just begging to be explored.

Fuck, don’t think like that.

Pushing the thoughts aside, I headed for detention. Class was over, but I wasn’t in a hurry to go home, and it wasn’t the first time I’d ditched my friends over a girl either, so it didn’t matter to them when I said I was busy. They misunderstood what I meant, and gave me annoying catcalls and wolf whistles behind my back. I ignored them.

Stopping outside the door, I knocked, then pushed it open. A teacher was seated at the front, and a few people had already shown up. Anita was there, and I perked up. She looked surprised to see me, and I wanted to wave to her, but I didn’t dare with the teacher there.

“Mr. Stewart,” he said, staring hard at me. “Can I ask what you’re doing here?

Two kids in the back of the class broke into giggles. He glanced at them, and they shut up.

“I came to sit in for detention, sir,” I said.

“Well, then you can go right back out. I don’t have you on my list, Stewart.”

Damn. I shot a quick glance at Anita, but I didn’t dare refuse. I didn’t need to be told that I was lucky the school accepted me. If I made too much trouble, word would make its way home, and things would just get annoying from there. I could deal with it, but I would rather not have to.

I wanted to complain, but I didn’t dare. I couldn’t say I had a valid reason to stick around, either, so I could only do what the teacher said and leave. On the inside, I found it amusing that I got thrown out of detention, but I didn’t plan to leave just yet. My friends would be gone by now, and I didn’t have anywhere specific I had to go, so I found somewhere close by to wait. Realizing it would take a while, I sat down and took my phone out.

Eventually, the door opened. I looked up to see the teacher walk out. He frowned when he saw me there, but he couldn’t do a thing about it and walked away. Anita was the next person out, and I shot

her a smile, so she’d know I was there for her, putting the phone away.

“Hey, there.”