“Of course, it`s not true. The idea of someone with a 4.0 GPA copying from someone who has an average of...”

He started flipping through some papers, but I answered for him.

“2.75 average,” I sighed.

He dismissed my response and said, “There`s a digit that shouldn`t be there. The ´seven is a little optimistic, don´t you think?”

“Anyway, I´m the one that copied him,¨ she continued, and it was clear that as much as she was persistent, it was obvious that she was lying. But, why?

“Ms. Johnson are you still going to continue with this lie?”

First, she nodded, and then she shook her head in the negative, then she nodded yes again. Obviously, she wasn’t sure how to answer that one.

“I did it. I own up to it. I´m the one that should be punished,” she stood up, and I knew she was taking the blame, and like a coward, I sat there. I said nothing. It was as if my mouth zipped shut as she shot me a cold stare. A warning gaze as if to dare me to get up.

“The consequences of cheating are high. I will not be taking this lightly,” Mr. Hopkins said with annoyance. He wanted me to confess or to at least put me down, or even better kick me out of the school. The idea of not being able to do either seemed to upset him. To annoy him. I wasn’t the least bit sad for him, but the only thing on my mind was, why?

Ms. Johnson confessed to something that she didn’t do. I didn’t know whether her lie or her ass intrigued me more?

Chapter Five


I walked out of Mr. Hopkins office as if the floor was laid with hot coal. I knew that Mr. Hopkins wanted to talk to me. Ask me the million dollar question that made his face grimace with anger; why the hell had I lied. The truth was I didn´t know, there were a thousand other ways to try and get Evan’s attention, this just seemed to be the perfect way to do it.

Then again, I wanted him to like me for me, not because of what happened in the closet or because I’d taken the blame for him when he cheated on a test. If I’d told Evan that it was me in the closet, would he want to get to know me for the wrong reasons? In the end, Principal Hopkins gave me detention for two weeks. Light punishment for cheating, but everyone in that room knew that it was a lie.


It wasn’t like anyone was going to say anything about it. Not when it was my word against Evan’s, but I was counting on the fact that nobody would question us, so the punishment was less irritating than it should have been.


My feet locked up when I heard his voice call out and I looked over my shoulder, eyes wide in surprise when I saw Evan was right behind me. I wanted to turn away and run, but I was so stumped by his attention that I couldn’t make my feet move in any other direction but towards him.

“Hey,” he said with that winning smile of his.

I blinked, screaming at myself to run away internally.

Crap, what have I done!

I was already regretting it. I shouldn’t have lied for him. It had been an impulsive action that I was now totally cursing myself for because this was the worst position to find myself in. I hadn't thought about how I was going to get him to realize it had been me with him in that closet, but this… what if he thought I was doing this for him because of that? Because I expected something from him.

I didn’t. After all, I wasn’t stupid. Evan fucked some random girl from another school at a party, a girl he might never see again. A girl that didn’t even go to our school. He probably never planned, or thought, to see her again.

That was the real reason why I hesitated to tell him anything. If he didn’t make the first move, then it would just be more humiliating for me, because he didn’t seem the least bit interested. High school could be a cruel place. If people found out, or if he told anyone, even one of his friends and they shared it, people would think I did it all so I could trick him into having sex with me.

Only, it wasn’t like that. I never expected anything to happen with Evan; I’d done what I did that night for me. Things were now headed in a different direction from what I had planned.

“Why did you do that?” He asked.

I blinked again, realizing I’d been spacing out when his voice brought me out of it. He was frowning down at me, and it made me panic.

Right, I’m in trouble right now. What had I been thinking?

That was easy enough; I hadn't been thinking at all. I was stressing the entire time internally and then put myself out there to take the fall, something I never did. I disliked punishment, especially since I’d have to go home and explain exactly why I was getting punished. Getting caught cheating was pretty bad, and I’d just realized I had more to worry about than I thought.
