Page 54 of Eternally His



The blue and gold club lights shined over Sebastián’s silver hair, captivating my attention. Even when he was shifting in obvious discomfort, my husband was fiercely handsome. I could still hardly believe he’d offered to come dancing with me.

Well, I’d arranged to come out dancing with Marisol, and Sebastián had announced that he would accompany me. I didn’t really understand why—as of last night, I was no longer under guard—but I appreciated his presence. My heart swelled as I watched him grimace and lean forward on his elbows, trying to get closer to Rafael so he could hear his friend over the loud music. He clearly wasn’t comfortable in this venue, but he’d come with me, anyway.

I tried my best not to look at the other man in their company, Raúl Guerrero. It seemed he wasn’t willing to let petite Marisol out of his sight. He ignored the men and stared straight at her, even though we were seated at the next table for girl-talk privacy. He didn’t seem at all ashamed to openly watch the woman he loved.

“Um, I think Raúl wants to talk to you,” I said to Marisol, pitching my voice just loud enough to be heard.

She offered him a dazzling smile, then returned her attention to me. “No, he just worries,” she assured me. “He’s not a big talker.”

I nodded, understanding that. My husband didn’t talk much, either, but he still cared about me. And no matter how terrifying I found Raúl, no one could deny that he cared deeply about Marisol. Possibly to the point of obsession.

“I’m really glad you called me,” she said, beaming at me. “I haven’t been out dancing in ages. It’ll be nice to have another friend in town.”

My smile wavered at the mention of other friends. Marisol had been the only woman to take my call, and I was immensely grateful for her.

She immediately sensed my discomfort. “What’s wrong?”

I shrugged and forced my smile back into place. “Nothing’s wrong. I’m glad we’re friends,” I hedged.

Her chocolate eyes narrowed. “Is this about those women at your party? I know they were unkind to you, Isabel.”

My shoulders slumped, and I took a sip of my fruity cocktail. Just a sip. I wouldn’t gulp down alcohol to dull my emotions ever again. Especially not when Sebastián could see; it would upset him. I didn’t fear his anger and a punishment. I worried that the reminder of his cruel father would hurt him.

“We should invite Carmen to join us next time,” Marisol declared.

I shifted on my barstool. “I, ah, don’t think she’ll like me very much.”

There was no way that the queen of the cartel—Stefano’s powerful partner—could possibly like me. Not when I’d betrayed Raúl to the cops and put their organization in jeopardy.

Marisol waved away my concern. “No, she’ll like you. You tried to save me. I didn’t need saving from Raúl, but you still put yourself at risk to help me. Carmen will admire that kind of courage. And if Carmen likes you, then everyone will want to be your friend.”

I frowned. “I’m not sure if I want to be friends with those women again. It seems they never really cared about me, anyway.”

Marisol’s expression dropped to something more serious. “Then they won’t dare to be mean to you again. I know your family has always been a big deal in our social circle—I could tell at the party you hosted that they’re a regular thing. You should be able to celebrate in your own home without people being rude.” She nodded decisively. “I’ll arrange a night out with Carmen as soon as possible. I’m sure she’d love to meet you.”

Her soft features were uncharacteristically hard. It seemed that the sweet, small woman could be fierce when she felt strongly about something.

My lips twitched in a genuine, tentative smile. If Carmen really did end up liking me, my future looked a lot brighter. I didn’t have to actually be friends with the women who’d been two-faced, but I could go back to planning events and hosting parties without fearing their cruelty. I wouldn’t have to face public humiliation every time I invited people into my home.

“Okay,” I agreed. “Thanks.”

She clapped her hands together, thrilled at the prospect. “Excellent. It’s been years since I’ve been able to have a night out with girlfriends. I’m so happy Raúl found me and made this possible.”

I eyed her warily at the mention of Raúl. I could still feel his intense gaze on us. It set me on edge.

“If he makes you happy, then I’m glad,” I equivocated, still not liking the scary brute. He was beyond intimidating.

Her smile softened, and a shadow crossed her features. “He saved me. I love him for that. I love him for everything that he is.” Her gaze focused on me. “Even the dark parts of him. They make him who he is.” Her eyes flicked to the men at the next table, taking in all three of them, including Sebastián. “Do you know what I mean?”