Page 16 of Eternally His

Now, I just had to survive the judgment of Stefano Duarte.



The little traitor hadn’t breathed a word since we’d left the empty, cavernous ballroom where her cries for mercy had rung against the vaulted ceiling. My fists flexed at my sides. My palm still burned with the heat of her flame-red skin beneath my punitive hand. And the warm wetness I’d found at her core…

I gnashed my teeth, shoving aside my lingering arousal. I’d been just as affected as she had been, losing my mind in a maddened haze of fury and hunger. She’d been so delicate in my harsh hold, so helpless to resist whatever I wanted to do to her. Her complete vulnerability and humiliation had satisfied the most savage parts of me, the raging beast that craved to punish the young beauty for her betrayal.

But her arousal at my harsh touch had shocked us both, and it’d fucked with my own physical responses. She’d practically ground her hot pussy against my thigh while I spanked her pert ass. Any man would’ve gotten hard.

I forced my lingering rage down deep, struggling for control. In a matter of seconds, Stefano would pass judgment on us both. Because Isabel wasn’t the only one who would be punished today. I’d vouched for her. On the night of the attempted coup, I’d taken responsibility and insisted that she was innocent.

Stefano would hold me accountable for her actions.

It was her stunning eyes that’d fucked with my head that day; her guileless, caramel gaze had made me weak. My decades-old guilt had consumed me at her first tear-filled glance, and I’d lost all perspective.

I couldn’t fix the past. I’d never be able to atone for my worst sin. Maybe today, I would finally be punished for it. But no punishment would be harsh enough to vindicate me. My soul was soaked in blood, and there was no coming back from that. Not ever.

Stefano’s black eyes glittered with rage, despite his conversational tone. “You betrayed me twice. Tell me why I should let you live.” He leaned back in his burgundy leather armchair, his head canting to the side as his gaze burned into Isabel.

She withered at my side, her shoulders dropping and her arms wrapping around her middle to protect herself. Something tugged at the center of my chest, but I ignored the tender impulse to comfort her. My life was on the line because of the pretty little traitor. She’d get no sympathy from me.

“I didn’t.” She barely breathed the protest, her voice lost in fear.

“Don’t lie,” I snapped, anger getting the better of me. I should leave this interrogation to my boss, but my own fury coursed hot through my veins.

Those huge, caramel eyes flashed in my direction, spearing my chest. A grimace twisted my face into something savage. She shuddered, and her gaze dropped to the floor.

“Until this morning, you were the only person who knew that Raúl is keeping Marisol on his estate. Even I didn’t know.” Stefano’s tone remained mild when he laid out the facts before her, condemning her. “That means you’re the only person who could’ve made that blog post. The police tried to arrest Raúl based on your account, so he was forced to admit to me that he has Marisol. I’ve had to place a rather significant bribe to make this go away.” He placed his elbows on his knees, leaning forward as he skewered her with his flinty stare. “So, I’ll repeat myself: tell me why I should let you live after you’ve betrayed my cartel twice.”

Her tongue darted out to wet her lush lips, and her throat worked as she swallowed hard. Finally, she managed to squeak. “I didn’t have anything to do with the coup. But I did write the blog post.” She straightened her spine, but she couldn’t seem to manage to lift her gaze from the carpet. “Raúl is holding an innocent woman prisoner. It’s not right. I had to help her.”

Stefano was silent for several long, tense seconds. He let both of us squirm, awaiting his judgment. I managed to steel myself and remain utterly still, but Isabel’s entire body trembled by the time he finally spoke. “You’re lucky that Carmen also has a soft spot for Marisol,” he drawled. “I won’t fault you for trying to help her.”

I blinked but otherwise concealed my surprise. Ever since Stefano had fallen for Carmen, the rival cartel princess, he’d been even less predictable than usual. Would he really forgive Isabel’s reckless actions just because his new queen liked Marisol? Isabel had still put the entire organization at risk by giving the police information that they could use to investigate and arrest Raúl.

“But,” Stefano said with the sharpness of a knife to the chest, “I can’t trust you, Isabel. As the last living Vera, you could be an asset to the cartel. I’ve always valued the resources your family has brought to the table. Until your brother betrayed us, that is. I’m sure you can appreciate that you’ve put me in a difficult position.”