“Then why? Why would you leave me?”

“I woke up, and you were gone.” Her cheeks colored with something like shame. “I didn’t have my collar. Then Lauren brought me the pill and the birth control shot, and I thought I must have imagined… I thought you didn’t care.”

Something vicious and hungry threatened to rise up and claim my emotions, but I shoved it down. I didn’t want to scare her with the ferocity of the strange feelings that surged within me. “Do you want to get pregnant?” I asked, my tone carefully steady and even.

“I… No. Not…not right now.”

Not right now.

Samantha wanted a child. An image of her bearing my child, her belly round from my seed, softened the last of my tumultuous emotions. It was an insane vision, one that could never be. That didn’t stop me from coveting it.

“That’s for the best.” I tried to convince myself by speaking aloud. “You need to take the pill.”

“I… Okay,” she agreed.

I cuddled her closer, my heart softening. “You were upset because I was gone? Then I’ll stay. Do you want your collar back on? I thought you resented it.”

“I, um, I got used to it. I like it,” she amended, her confession holding the ring of truth. “It makes me feel safe. Like you’re with me, even when you’re not here. But I’d rather not be chained to the bed.”

I traced the line of her jaw with reverence. I wanted to see my collar back around her throat, too. “You can have your collar, but I’m not going anywhere. I left this morning to see my brother. I was convincing him to give me more time with you.”

“Oh.” She seemed surprised, as though that possibility hadn’t occurred to her. “Thank you.” She looked into my eyes, beseeching. “I still don’t want to work for him. It goes against everything I believe in.”

“I know. I’ve read enough about your superheroes to see that.”

“Then what are we going to do?”

I sighed, uncharacteristic anxiety gripping me. “I don’t know yet. I’ll figure something out.”

“We’ll figure something out,” she declared.

My Samantha might be fragile, but she was clever and brave and fierce. My uncertainty melted away, my worries dissipating into awe. I cupped her cheeks, holding her carefully as I pressed my lips to hers.

Despite the horror she’d just faced, she softened, opening for me and inviting me in. She felt safe in my arms, and my own sense of safety settled over me as I fell into her, allowing her to claim all my senses and quiet my feral instincts.

Chapter 17

I held Samantha through two nightmares, stroking her sweat-slicked skin as she cried. I hated the fact that her uncle was already dead, that I couldn’t mutilate him with my bare hands for what he’d done to her.

But she seemed content enough this morning, curled up in her usual place in my lap as I fed her breakfast. She playfully nipped at my fingers on the final bite of bacon, but the saucy action didn’t incite my need to dominate and punish as it would have in the beginning. Instead, an indulgent smile curved my lips.

Mí sirenita was herself again, and I was far too pleased with the sight of her soft smile to even consider causing her pain.

Despite her improving mood, I had no intention of leaving her side anytime soon. I had to stay to ensure she was comforted and cared for, but holding her soothed me, too. I still didn’t know how I was going to get us out of this mess with my brother. Feeling her soft skin against mine eased my worry, reminding me that she was safe and under my protection.

I trailed my fingers along her bare throat. “Yesterday, you said you wanted your collar. Do you still want it?”

“Yes,” she said immediately, leaning into my touch.

I beamed at her. “Then you’ll have it.”

I lifted her off my lap and went to the chest of drawers where I kept her kinky toys. I held the slim strip of black leather in my hands, rubbing my thumbs across it with reverence. The collar belonged to her, and she belonged to me.

“Kneel for me.” It was an order, but it came out in an almost plaintive tone. I’d never demanded this of her before, and I wanted her to choose to take the supplicant pose. I wanted her to choose me.

She sank to her knees before me. Surprise and pleasure raced through my system when she spread her thighs wide and placed her arms behind her back, holding her elbows in opposite hands. The position thrust out her breasts and exposed her glistening pussy, offering me everything. She bowed her head in submission, baring the back of her neck so I could buckle the collar in place.

I remained silent for a long minute, robbed of words, of breath. Finally, I brushed my fingers over the top of her head, petting her to communicate my pride and pleasure.