“I take care of a lot of things for my brother.” My voice was rough, but I managed to prevent my fingers from tightening around her delicate neck. “I do all the things he’d rather not bother with; I deal with the boring details. I keep things running. And yes, what you’ve accused me of is part of it.”

“But you don’t like the Bliss.”

I stilled, wondering how she could possibly know that. Had she talked to Lauren? Would the devoted blonde girl have spilled any of my secrets to Samantha?

I decided Lauren wouldn’t have done that. However Samantha had come to the conclusion, her quick mind had put together some pieces of information she’d gathered.

“What I like or don’t like about my business isn’t your concern,” I finally said. “I need to work, and you need to be quiet. Your runaway mouth is very distracting.”

I’d already retrieved the gag from my desk before she began to issue her rebuttal.

“But—” I smothered her question when I slipped the rubber ball into her open mouth. She tried to twist her face away, but that only allowed me to pull the gag deeper, buckling it tightly in place.

Before she could panic, I rested my hand on the side of her head, holding her cheek against the plush carpet. I lightly massaged her head, soothing her.

“This isn’t to punish you,” I said gently. “You can’t control your tongue, so I’ll control it for you. You’ll be much calmer now.”

She responded with a fierce little growl.

“There’s no need to keep arguing with me,” I reassured her, running my fingers over her hair. “There’s no point trying to fight. Surrender. You’ll feel much better. We’ll calm that busy brain of yours.”

She started wiggling again, but she couldn’t gain purchase with her arms cuffed behind her back. Satisfied that she wasn’t going anywhere, I grasped the rope that lay coiled in my desk drawer.

“I think you’ll like this, my kinky virgin.”

My plans for her involved more than quieting her mind. Once she reached her submissive headspace, I intended to question her. All day, my thoughts had wandered back to our time in the playroom. She knew about BDSM. She’d expressed interest in being dominated, even if she didn’t yet care for my harsher methods of asserting control.

Tonight, I would learn her darkest secrets. I just had to take her to a mindless, lust-addled state, in which she’d answer all my questions just to attain release. Although I had never bound her in rope, I suspected she’d enjoy it. Rope could be sensual or punitive, depending on the tie. One day, I’d put her in predicament bondage and show her what true helplessness was. But I’d promised this wouldn’t hurt, and I didn’t intend to inflict any pain this time.

I grasped her right thigh and lifted it off the floor, wrapping the rope around it. She tried to kick out at me, but I grabbed her flailing ankle and forced her to bend her knee. I wound more rope around her calf and connected it to the bindings around her thigh, pulling tight so her heel touched her bottom.

When one leg was fully restrained, I grasped her shoulders and pulled her into a kneeling position.

She wobbled slightly, and I knew she was trying to wriggle free. She didn’t stand a chance.

I wasn’t nearly finished with her.

I continued to bind her, drawing the rope around her waist and looping it between her thighs, framing her swollen pussy. The first signs of desire shone between her legs, so I tugged the binding a little tighter. The slightly rough fibers grazed her labia, making them puffy and flushed.

I tied off my work and moved up her body. I began to wind a second length of rope around her, passing it beneath her breasts, wrapping behind her back, and coming back over her chest. I looped it over her neck and through the lengths that framed her breasts.

When I pulled the bindings tight, her lashes fluttered, and a soft gasp left her lips. The rope hugged her chest, accentuating her breasts so they were on display for me. They rose and fell quickly as her breathing turned more ragged.

I trailed my fingers beneath the soft swells, knowing they’d be growing achy and sensitive.

Her head dropped back on a groan, and she arched into my touch, seeking more decadent stimulation. She stared up into my eyes, her own cloudy with lust and a touch of confusion. She didn’t understand what I was doing to her, how I was subtly restricting her blood flow to heighten her awareness of her most vulnerable areas.

“You like being bound, don’t you, kinky virgin? Has anyone ever tied you up before? Of course not.” She didn’t have to respond for me to know the truth. I traced the line of her lower lip with my thumb, making her shiver as I stimulated more of her sensitive nerve endings. “So innocent,” I rumbled. “And so beautiful in my ropes.”

She blinked several times, shaking her head slightly as though to rid herself of my influence.

I wouldn’t allow her to evade me. Her clever brain needed to be shut off, lulled into silence as she became fully focused on the pleasure of my touch.

I fully cupped her breasts and pinched her nipples with just enough pressure to call her attention back to her body. She moaned, her lids lowering as lust rolled through her.

“That’s better,” I praised. “You don’t have to fight me. You don’t have to worry or think.”

She tried to shake her head again, but the effort was weaker this time. It took a handful of seconds for her to still and soften in my hands as she succumbed to my control.