ee your lovely eyes one last time.”

“What are you…?” Her question trailed off as her eyes drooped closed, the sedative taking effect.

“I can’t protect you.” I pressed one last kiss against her motionless lips. “Goodbye, sirenita. Te amo.”

I loved her. I loved her, so I had to let her go. I’d face Cristian’s retribution later, but I had to get her to safety before he came for her.

I dressed her in one of my shirts. It swallowed her slim frame, covering her well enough. Still, I slipped her into a pair of slacks I’d gotten from Lauren. I couldn’t bear the thought of anyone’s eyes on her. Not even my own. If I allowed myself to continue holding her and caressing her bare skin, I’d never be able to release her.

When she was dressed, I removed the collar from her throat. I tucked it into my pocket, unwilling to shut it away in the drawer where it used to belong. It belonged to her now.

I’d thought it marked her as mine, but I couldn’t keep her. That had been a fantasy from the very beginning. Cristian had never intended to allow me to keep her forever, and now, I had to let her go if I was going to save her from him.

I picked her up and carried her out of our bedroom, past our playroom, and into the elevator. We rode down to the garage, and I couldn’t help staring down at her, drinking her in. I longed to look into her lovely eyes, but that wasn’t an option. Soon, I wouldn’t be able to look at her at all. Wouldn’t be able to hold her. Wouldn’t be able to hurt her.

This was what was best for her, in every way. She deserved to be free of me, safe from my darker impulses.

The elevator stopped at the parking garage, and I carried her to my black BMW, choosing the least flashy car I owned. I didn’t want to draw attention to myself. I’d already had my people disable the security cameras at the motel where I intended to drop her, and my tinted windows would prevent traffic cams from catching her where I set her in the passenger seat.

I got in the car and started it up, driving slowly to the outskirts of the city. The motel I’d selected was nondescript, the randomness of the location ensuring she’d be safe here for a short time.

I’d instructed one of my men to check into the room, so I wouldn’t be seen by the staff. He was waiting for me, opening the door when I knocked. I ordered him to leave as I carried Samantha inside and laid her down on the bed. I tucked her under the covers, just as I’d done every night since I’d forcibly brought her into my life.

I ran my fingers through her silken hair one last time. She didn’t stir.

My hand clenched to a fist, and I forced myself to pull away. I didn’t allow myself to linger any longer. It wouldn’t be long before Cristian figured out what I’d done, and I needed her to be safely back with her fellow FBI agents by the time that happened.

I left the motel room, feeling the sound of the door locking behind me deep in my chest. I walked stiffly back to my car where I’d left it across the parking lot. When I slid back into the driver’s seat, I took a deep breath and shoved down the anguish that threatened to choke me.

Clearing my throat, I put in the call to the cops, leaving the anonymous tip telling them where they could find Samantha Browning. I ended the call and waited. It only took fifteen minutes before police cars arrived, along with a black sedan. Two men got out of the sedan, weapons drawn.

I put my BMW in drive and pulled out of the parking lot. She was safe.

Now, I had to face whatever punishment my brother chose to dole out.

Chapter 21

I reached into my pocket and fisted Samantha’s collar in my trembling fingers as I rode the elevator down to the basement. It had taken less than twenty-four hours for Cristian to summon me to the dank space where he’d savor my screams.

Sweat beaded on my brow, but I didn’t even consider running. Samantha was safe now, surrounded by FBI agents. But Cristian would need to discipline me for defying him. If Samantha were still within his grasp, he’d hurt her to torment me. Now, his only option was to cause me physical pain to exact his retribution. I’d take the agony willingly. Anything to satisfy his sadistic need to punish. Anything to guarantee he didn’t go after Samantha, despite the security around her.

The elevator doors slid open, revealing my nightmare.

Samantha was stripped and strung up for my brother’s torture, her pale skin glowing under the spare lightbulb that lit the basement. Her wrists were cuffed above her, forcing her onto her toes in a stress position. A bruise darkened her jaw, and blood dripped from one corner of her lips.

“Samantha,” I snarled her name, launching myself toward her. I didn’t know how Cristian had gotten to her, but the logistics didn’t matter. All that mattered was getting her away from him.

“Stay right there.” My brother’s voice cracked against the concrete walls. His knife was at her throat. He applied pressure, and a crimson line appeared beneath the blade.

I froze in my tracks, still several yards away from where Cristian stood behind her, holding his knife against her vulnerable artery. My entire body shook with impotent rage and horror.

I’d done everything in my power to protect her. How had he gotten to her?

“Be a good boy and have a seat, or I’ll cut her open right now. Do you want your pet returned to you scarred or dead?”

“Let her go,” I ground out, my muscles flexing with the need to unleash the violence pent up inside me. “I know I’m the one you want to punish. Just let her go.”

“And send her back to the feds, like you did? I don’t think so. Samantha has agreed to work for me, once we’re finished here. Sit down, hermanito. Or I’ll slit her open and let you watch her pretty insides spill all over the floor.”