She followed where I led, trusting me implicitly even as we entered the room that had once terrified her. I stopped when we reached the far wall, next to my suspension frame. She enjoyed being bound, and I needed to see her trapped and helpless to resist me.

I selected a coil of crimson rope that hung on the wall by the wooden frame, and she shivered in anticipation. We’d both derive pleasure from this punishment. I’d make sure of it. I’d never hurt her with impunity again, would never whip her for my own selfish desires if she was unwilling. Her trust was my most precious possession, and I wouldn’t risk losing it.

She took a deep breath and released it on a long, shuddering sigh as I began to wind the rope around her, forming a harness that framed her chest. I took extra time and care to create a lattice pattern above her breasts, adorning my pretty pet with the red rope. Her pale skin took on a pearlescent sheen beneath it, contrasting with the vibrant color.

When I finished tightening the rope around her chest, I drew her arms behind her, binding them together from shoulder to wrist. Her back arched, making her breasts stand out proudly. Her pink nipples peaked for my attention.

I didn’t stimulate them. Not yet. I’d leave her aching for my sensual touch, until her body thrummed with such need that she couldn’t discern pain from pleasure.

I took another length of rope and threaded it through the bindings around her arms before feeding it through the large metal ring embedded in the wooden beam above her. I pulled, forcing her arms up behind her, so she had no choice but to bend at the waist to alleviate the pressure. She spread her legs in wanton invitation, her back arched as she offered her pussy to me.

My cock stiffened, aching to get inside her. I mastered the animal urge to drive into her wet heat. She needed more pain before I could sate myself. And I needed to hear her scream her apology, her promise to never try to escape me again.

I stepped back, simply admiring her without touching, until she whined for my attention. Satisfied that she was needy and desperate, I went bac

k to the wall, where implements for her torment were arranged in neat rows.

I held up the rubber-tipped nipple clamps so she could see them clearly. The light caught on the metal, making the chain that connected them shine silver. Little red gemstones dangled from the chain. They’d look so pretty adorning my sweet Samantha’s tormented breasts.

Her eyes tightened with her own hunger as she studied the clamps. I’d gotten her worked up enough that she’d welcome any sexual stimulation, pleasure or pain.

Her lashes fluttered as I cupped her breasts, feeling her nipples harden to tight buds beneath my palms. She tried to lean into me, seeking more contact. The ropes held her immobile, the bonds I’d created denying her any control over her body.

Instead of struggling for freedom, she relaxed, falling into my thrall. Rewarding her submission, I began to roll her nipples between my fingers, tugging and pinching to get her accustomed to the discomfort that would be inflicted by the clamps.

When she whimpered and wiggled, torn between wanting relief and craving more, I caught her tight peaks in the clamps. She cried out as I turned the screws on the sides, slowly increasing the pressure to guarantee they’d stay firmly in place. I tugged on the chain, and she hissed out a breath, struggling to adjust to the pinch.

I watched her pinched expression soften as she settled into acceptance. I flicked the gems that dangled from the chain, making them glitter under the crimson lights. She moaned, and her eyes slid closed as her head dropped forward in surrender.

Her short, panting breaths followed me as I retrieved the crop from where it hung on the wall. When I stepped behind her, I was met with a delicious view of her soaked and swollen cunt. Her body practically vibrated with need, but I wouldn’t provide her with ecstatic release just yet. She had to release her guilt first, had to swear that she would never again try to leave me.

When I snapped the crop against her ass, she blew out a long sigh and relaxed, accepting her punishment. I started flicking it against her skin, painting her flesh pink as I spread out the heat.

Even as lust raged through my body, something darker pulsed through my veins. Memories of the guard on top of her, violating her, flooded my mind. Fury burned through me at the thought of another man’s hands on her. The sound of her horrified sobs as she remembered her childhood trauma at the hands of her uncle echoed through my mind, driving me near madness. No one would touch her ever again. I’d kill anyone who tried. I’d do anything to protect my Samantha, including hurting her. I’d eradicate her foolish plans to separate us in order to evade my brother. I had to keep her close to know she was safe from him.

I cracked the crop against her upper thigh, causing her to cry out.

“Never leave me again,” I commanded, my tone fierce and desperate. I delivered another cruel blow to brand her with a burning sting. “You don’t get to leave me. Never leave me.”

“I won’t.” Her voice hitched on a sob. “I won’t leave you. I love you.”

My heart stopped in my chest, squeezing too hard to continue beating. The crop slipped from my hand, clattering to the ground. My pulse thundered back to life, pounding in my head as something hot and bright seared away some of the darkness that blackened my soul.

My hands curved into her ass, spreading her wide. She was soaked for me, her body ready to yield to me. Just as she was yielding her heart.

“Say it again,” I ground out.

“I love you,” she sobbed. “Please, Andrés.”

I snarled and slammed into her, thrusting deep into her wet channel. “Tell me,” I demanded, driving into her with ruthless abandon. “Tell me again. Don’t stop.”

“I love you!” she cried out. “I love you, I love you…” The words left her in a litany, over and over again as I fucked her hard. I became drunk on the foreign sentiment. It filled me up, sending me soaring higher than I’d ever attained through inflicting pain.

I was close to coming undone. I needed her to shatter with me. I reached beneath her and pinched her clit.

“Andrés!” she screamed out my name as her orgasm claimed her. My raw shout echoed around us, and I filled her with my cum. I kept pounding into her, riding out the last of our pleasure with brutal force.

Finally, I stopped, completely spent. I withdrew from her and carefully removed the clamps from her nipples. She whimpered as blood rushed back to the abused buds, but I shushed her and soothed away the sting with my fingers. Her whimper dropped to a moan, and I continued caressing her until I was certain her discomfort had passed.