I heard footsteps and a soft knock on the door.

“Tiny is here to escort you downstairs,” Auntie said, looking overjoyed about the prospect. I cringed mentally. If she thought I would like Michael Margarelli, she had been drinking way too much wine while she cooked. “You look beautiful, little one.”

“Thank you, Auntie. For everything.”

“It’s nothing. Go, go! Enjoy!”

I exhaled and pinned a pleasant smile on my face as Tiny followed me down the stairs and pointed me towards the dining room. After all, what else could I do?

Chapter Five


“You’re late,” I said nonchalantly as Terri stepped into the dining room. She was so fresh and lovely, that I almost couldn’t bear to look at her. I pretended not to notice the way her back stiffened at my rebuke.

I put my drink down and pulled out a chair for her. Directly opposite me. I wanted to be able to look at her.

For the first time in my life, I thought that the damned table was too big. I wanted her closer.

Hell, the truth was, I wanted her in my lap.

My body tightened at the thought of her cuddly, curvy body pressed into mine as I fed her bite by bite. Her lips would closer over my fingers and she would kiss and suck on them prettily.

Perhaps not suck… the girl looked too pristine to do something deliberately suggestive. Not that she needed to. With the way she looked, she was a natural seductress. All she had to do was breath.

I ignored her softly spoken ‘thank you’ and settled into the chair opposite her, at the head of the table. I leaned back and sipped my drink, studying her.

“Would you like one while we wait?” I asked, deliberately baiting her. You only had to take one look at her sweetly innocent face to know the girl didn’t drink.

“What is it?”


She wrinkled her nose in the most adorable way.

“No, thank you,” and then she shocked the hell out of me. “Is there wine?”

I grinned and stood, walking to the bar.

“Red or white?” I asked, opening the hidden wine fridge to pluck a frosty bottle of white out, along with a bottle of red from our own vineyards.

“Red, please,” she said primly. Her accent was adorable. Not thick enough to comment on. Just a hint of European charm. Utterly perfect.

Just like the rest of her.

I poured her a healthy glass and set it down in front of her. She thanked me softly and picked up the glass with her delicate, somehow unspeakably lovely hands. I watched as her gorgeous lips met the edge of the glass. I watched as she swallowed. I watched as she set the glass down.

She gave me a funny look and I realized I was hovering over her like a hawk, looking for a tasty meal. That wasn’t far from the mark, truth be told. I didn’t want to devour her though, not literally.

Just… sexually.

Bad, Michael. Very bad. The boys will come back here and string you up if you take their precious little protege to bed.

Especially because I had a feeling I would never let her out again once I got her there.

I sank back into my seat, drinking and watching her with hooded eyes. She knew what I was doing, too. I watched her shift in her seat, take another sip, look around. All the while, she was growing increasingly nervous.

Not unlike a canary, well aware it was being stalked by a cat.

And just like a cute little canary, I was going to keep this one caged. It was for her own good, I decided. Security details. Escorts too and from class. No dating.

I smirked, definitely no dating.

“What are you studying?”

“Pre-med,” she said, smoothing the napkin on her lap as the first course of food arrived. She nibbled daintily at the caprese salad. I stood abruptly, noticing her wine was nearly gone. She watched me with huge eyes as I poured her another glass.

“I… thank you,” she said breathlessly. I was definitely making her ill at ease. Good, I decided. I wanted her off balance. If I had to suffer, she might as well suffer too.

Chapter Six


“This is wonderful, thank you,” I said to the unsmiling young man who was serving us. He didn’t look like a waiter, I thought as his suit jacket slid aside to reveal a holster and gun. My eyes widened. He looked like a gangster. “Please thank Auntie for me.”

“She’s in bed,” the rude man interrupted. I barely prevented myself from glaring at him. He was smirking, but just the hint of a smile. But he looked so cocky sitting there, it nearly made me lose my cool.

You are a guest here, Theresa. At least until you can find your own place.

And to that end…

“I will be moving out in a few days. You won’t be troubled by my presence for much longer.”