I groaned aloud. Auntie gave me a funny look, then offered to make a plate for me. I could have kissed her. I would kiss her, I decided. Later on when I brought her a gift. Flowers, I decided. Or perfume.

I would buy out the whole florist store at that moment, my gratitude was so great.

“Thank you, Auntie,” I said, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek when she bent forward to set the plate in front of me.

“Oh, you,” she said, waving me away. But I could tell she was pleased.

I watched and listening as I ate, observing my quarry. Auntie had a genuine affection for the girl, which wasn’t surprising. From everything I had seen Terri was extraordinarily lovable.

The feeling was apparently mutual. Auntie was saying something about taking Terri shopping. I frowned.

“I’ll do that.”


Both women turned to stare at me.

“I’ll take her shopping.”

“I’m sitting right here,” she said, crossing her arms over those pert little breasts. “And no, you will not.”

“Yes, I will,” I said, leaning back in my chair and observing her. I enjoyed sparring with her. Especially since I knew I was going to win. “You are representing our family. This is a non-issue.”

“A non–” she sputtered adorably. I just smiled wider. I was taking Miss Theresa shopping and that was the end of the story.

“Tomorrow,” I said, tossing my napkin on the table and rising. My cock had settled a little and I could tell he was getting ready to rise again. I needed to remove myself before that happened.

“I will see you at lunch.”

“I have to go to the University today. I won’t be here.”

“Then I will see you at dinner,” I said, tousling her hair as I passed and pressing a kiss to Auntie’s cheek. I could practically feel Terri’s eyes burning into me as I walked out of the room, whistling.

But I didn’t care. I liked having her attention, one way or the other.

Chapter Eight


How dare he?

I stared into the mirror, looking for faults. I frowned and turned away. This was ridiculous. I was a student, not a fashion model! What did I have to be ashamed of? My clothes were nothing fancy but they were well cared for. They fit.

I knew all of that rationally, but I suddenly felt insecure and self critical.

There was nothing wrong with my clothes. Nothing wrong with me. I wasn’t going to let him bully me around, either!

But the tears still came. Angry, embarrassed tears, but still. I hated that he had made me cry. Hated that his handsome, cool, self assurance had made me feel so much less than.

I brushed the tears away and got myself together. I needed to go get my books and check out the campus. I looked around the cheerful room. I had hoped to make a home here, at least temporarily. But now it seemed like I would not be allowed to leave.

I shivered, remembering the odd look he had given me. But I wasn’t cold. I felt like I was burning up. I opened the window and stuck my head out, inhaling deeply. The moment I opened my eyes I noticed a guard looking up at me, a frown on his face. I backed away from the window.

Was it really dangerous to stick my head out for some air? Was this family really that hated?

I was sure I would hear about it from Michael at dinner, I thought with a grimace. Then I shook it off. Today was the first day of my education. Not classes. But I was a student, at long last. I was going to enjoy every minute of it.

I grabbed my empty book bag, shoving my wallet, phone, and some lipgloss into the outer pocket. Then I brushed my hair out of my face and started my day.

Chapter Nine


“You need to get laid.”


Luciano grinned and poured us each a bit more bourbon.

“I have never seen you this wound up. You look like you are ready to blast off. What’s going on?”

I stared into my glass before tipping my head back and putting a big dent into it. We were in one of the clubs Tony and Vincent had opened up. Private booth in the back. Packed house, but we had breathing room.

It was exactly the kind of place I would have gone hunting before. Lord knows there were woman aplenty giving me the eye. But I had no interest now.

I had one irritatingly gorgeous, perky, unwanted houseguest on my mind.

Well, unwanted was the wrong word. She was wanted. Astonishingly so.

In fact, I’d never wanted anything so badly in my entire life.

This was bad. Very, very bad, I thought with a grimace. I tossed back the rest of my drink and Luciano refilled my glass with a whistle.

“You got it bad.”


“I don’t know. But I am glad it’s not me. Whoever or whatever it is… they don’t stand a chance.”