“Is something wrong?” I demanded, instantly on high alert.

“No! I think… I think he is kicking.”

“Or she,” I insisted, playing our favorite game. She had insisted on not knowing. As a result, the nursery was decorated in a soft shade of gender neutral spring green. We had started building our house in the hills, but Auntie was so excited about helping with the baby, we had decided to stay put in the Margarelli mansion for the time being.

“It’s a boy. Here, feel.”

She placed my hand in her belly. I stared at her in wonder, feeling something solid move against my hand.

“About that. I would like to make a wager,” I teased.

She knew what I wanted. Twenty four hours of her agreeing to whatever whim I had, within reason, of course. I liked nothing more than having her at my beck and call.

All of this once the baby was born and she had recovered, naturally.

“You’re on,” she said, taking me completely by surprise. “And when I win, I promise to be gentle with you,” she tossed over her shoulder as she climbed into the waiting limo.

“Not too gentle, I hope.”

The saucy look she gave me before she curled against me for the ride home was answer enough.