“What’s that for?”

“To accidentally spill on his lap, when you try to get your bag,” she said with a wink. “Just don’t actually get into groping distance. I’’ll come and get your stuff as soon as I hear him yelp.”

I giggle and nodded, taking the cup with gratitude.

“You got this, girl.”

“Thank you!”

I held my chin high as I strode back to my seat. I didn’t hesitate. I said ‘excuse me’ loudly and then plop, somehow managed to spill the icy cold seltzer right on his pants. He leapt up, clearly not sleeping, and cursing under his breath. I stepped back into the aisle as the stewardess neatly side stepped the man as he headed for the bathroom, and helped me collect my things. I followed her to first class where we both started to giggle.

She handed me a ticket with a gold band around it.

“What is this?”

“You already had a first class ticket,” she said with a wink. “I guess your family bought two tickets. Three actually. Looks like they wanted to make sure you had privacy, because no one is seated next to you.”

My heart filled to overflowing.

“Thank you,” I said with deep gratitude. I clutched the ticket to my chest and sent a silent thank you heavenwards. I didn’t know what my father had done to deserve the protection of the Margarelli family, but I would never doubt it.

They had my back. Literally. I had no family. But they had welcomed me in with open arms.

Because of them I was staring a whole new life. A life free from danger. A life where I could be anyone I wanted to be.

And more than anything, I wanted to be a doctor. All those years looking after my mother, watching her fail and being helpless to do anything but hold her hand. And then to lose my father so suddenly… I wanted to be able to help. I wanted to be able to heal.

My first year premed started in only a week. It would be a lot of work, but I was ready for it. I was on my way to the future I had always dreamed of.

I settled into the luxuriously wide first class seat and promptly fell asleep.

Chapter Three


“Boss,” the soft voice said, inches away. I jerked awake, staring at Tiny. How the hell that big man could pussy foot around like that was beyond me.

“You fell asleep on your desk again,” he said, a hint of censure in his voice. I sat up and rubbed my face. He was right. I was a goddamn mess.

“You want to go to the airport?”

“The what?” I asked, eyeing the nearly empty bottle of bourbon I had started a few days ago. Actually, I had started it last night, I realized, with a lurch of self disgust.

Get your shit together, Michael.

“The airport.”

“Why in God’s name would I ever willingly go to the airport?”

“The girl comes today. The one Evie and Frankie sent.”

“Oh, Christ,” I exclaimed, resting my eyes against the palms of my hands. It did a little bit to assuage the pounding. “Why the hell are they doing this again?”

“Her father was a friend to the family. She got into some sort of trouble, I guess. I don’t know the details.”

“Right. I remember,” I said, leaning back in my seat. “This is a set up,” I informed Tiny darkly.

“A set up?”

“Those women want me off the market. They want me to settle down.”

Tiny snorted.

“Good luck with that.”

“Exactly,” I said, pouring myself a drink. It was morning. It was not a good sign to be drinking in the morning. But I didn’t give a fuck.

“Send the limo. I will be here to meet her when she arrives.”

“You gonna take a shower, boss?”

I shrugged.

“What for? If this girl is arriving here looking for a husband, I might as well show here what she will get.”

“I didn’t realize you were on the market. You never pay attention to women anymore.”

“I am definitely not. I just want to make sure she understands that.”

“Whatever you say, boss.”

A few hours later and I had eaten enough to mop up some of the booze in my belly, napped, and taken a shower. I had not shaved or taken as much care with my clothes as I usually did. And I was well on my way back to drunk with a fresh bottle of bourbon.

When the limo pulled up out front, I was sitting in the living room at the front of the house, nursing a drink. I stood up and prepared to greet my unwelcome house guest.

The door swung open, Tiny’s huge frame illuminated by bright sunlight as he held the door open. A figure stepped through. Young. Long dark hair. Curves hard to miss, even in the blinding light. The door closed.

I blinked, suddenly feeling as if someone had played a trick on me. A cruel joke. I was going to kill my cousins. I really was.