He was so fucking hot. He wore a tight shirt and even tighter pants that made the outline of his massive cock the focal point of every single one of my dreams. I could practically trace every little curve, every vein, every single inch of him.

“I didn’t know you were so into mistletoes,” I teased, grabbing him and stroking him over his clothes. He dropped his head back and gave me a pleasurable little moan. I couldn’t stop myself from leaning in and sucking on his neck, nibbling at the sensitive skin as I continued to stroke him from outside his jeans. Even through a layer of fabric, I could still feel Mav’s heat and it made me see red.

No, seriously, I was seeing a flash of red that seemed to be completely out of place. I let go of Maverick’s cock and pointed, Maverick following my point with a love-drunk expression on his face and a sticky wet imprint of my mouth on his neck.

“What? What am I looking at and why did you stop touching me?”

“Someone’s a little needy,” I said playfully, grabbing his thick cock in my hand again.

“Yeah, I can see that,” he said as he backed up into me, rubbing his ass into my bulge.

“Damn, you really don’t want us getting out of this maze, do you?”

Maverick shook his head and pushed his ass back, my cock fitting perfectly against him. “Not if it means we get to do this all day.”

“If we get out now, maybe we could do this and more.”

He turned back to me with an urgent expression. “Ok, how the hell do we get out of here?”

That had me laughing. I kissed him and walked over to what had initially caught my eye. It was a red ornament hanging on the tree, except every other ornament in this tree maze had been either gold or blue. This one was clearly placed here on purpose. I lifted it off the branch and held it in the air by a silver hook.

And then I let it drop.


Maverick Gold

Theo was so damn sexy when he was in detective-mode. I couldn’t explain why, but I didn’t really have to. All I focused on was the way my stomach did little jumping jacks, matching the same movements going on inside my pants. My entire body thrummed as I watched Theo bend to pick up the piece of paper from inside the ornament.

He had everything going for him. He had a broad back that stretched at the fabric of his shirt, and he had huge biceps that matched the muscles roping down from his shoulders. His skin made the gold of his necklace and bracelet pop, as if he’d harnessed the sun itself and turned it into jewelry.

And of course, there was that forearm sized tool he was working with. Feeling him against me like that—feeling it against me like that—was quite literally the only thing I wanted for Christmas. Theo could wrap himself up and plop himself under the tree and I’d end up being the happiest guy on earth.

“What’s it say?” I asked, placing a hand on Theo’s lower back. His flowery cologne mixed with the smell of Christmas trees and created an absolutely intoxicating combo.

Theo unrolled the paper and read it out loud. “Jingle your bells and deck the halls for this icy sleigh season, and look out for the thorns. Bring your skates for the next clue.”

I scrunched my brows and tried to make sense of the clue. It didn’t make much sense to me, besides maybe the ’skates’ part.

“Are we supposed to go to the lake for the next clue?” I asked.

Theo nodded, turning the paper over, lifting it to the light. He gave a ‘humph’ and pocketed the clue. His intense gaze turned to me and my knees gave an involuntary wobble.

“What do you think the rest of it means?”

He gave a shrug. “Not sure. I have to see what we find at the lake.”

He smiled and kissed me again, pointing up at the mistletoe. “Ok, let’s get going before we get stuck under this forever.”

“I wouldn’t mind that, actually.” I kissed him this time, holding his hands in mine as his sweet taste flooded my senses. “But I do want to win this thing and I feel like we’re getting close, so let’s get the hell out of here.”

Exiting the maze was easier than entering it. Theo used his photographic memory to lead us out and up the basement stairs in a matter of minutes. We bumped into Austin Romero at the top of the stairs, wearing a fuzzy green Christmas sweater that looked like it was purposefully ugly. Theo had told me he was a new detective hired to lead a new Stonewall branch in a small town called Blue Creek.