“And what if I hadn’t show up or gotten in the boat with you?”

His brow furrows. “I’ve never had anyone not get in the boat if I tell him to get in the boat. Well, except for Jake. That boy doesn’t do anything I tell him to do. Makes me want to throttle him sometimes. Then other times he makes me so damn proud I could pop. That’s kids for you.”

I pick up my fishing pole and toss my hook out again. “I might need some ideas for wooing.”

“Tell me what you’re thinking of, and I’ll give you my opinion.”

I start rattling off ideas and he gives me his opinions, until it’s time to head back.

I find Evie standing on the dock with Katie when we get back. She lifts her hand to wave at me. I wave back, a huge grin plastered on my face that I can’t keep back.

“Catch anything?” she calls.

“Might have caught a cold,” Mr. Jacobson says, and he feigns a cough.

“Did you have fun?” I ask Evie as I climb out of the boat and unload the gear.

She wiggles her toes at me. They’re painted pink with little yellow-and-white flowers on the big toe of each foot. “I did have fun.” She turns to face Katie. “Thanks again for taking me.”

“I’m glad you went. We’ll have to do it again another day.” Katie waves as she walks away.

“Well, I reckon I’m done being leisurely,” Mr. Jacobson says.

“Thanks for taking me out,” I reply. “And for…well, everything else.”

He nods.

“I guess we’ll go up and paint the barn. Or did you have something else you want us to do?”

“No barn painting today. Leave it as it is. You two can go. I won’t need you tomorrow, either.”

“But when will we paint the barn?” Evie asks.

“You’ll know when it’s time,” he replies cryptically.

Evie looks at me, her eyes open wide like she doesn’t understand.

“Thanks again, Mr. Jacobson,” I call out. He lifts a hand, but he doesn’t say anything else. “That’s one strange old man,” I say quietly to Evie.

“I heard that!” he calls back.

Evie bites her lips together to keep her laughter in. “You’re in trouble!” she sings out in a whisper. Evie and I go and unload from the back of my Jeep the rollers and brushes and the white paint I’d bought to cover our graffiti. We leave it all in the building next to the road.

Evie steps back to survey the building, stares at the words she wrote, and shakes her head.

“I’d love to know what was going through your head at that moment,” I say quietly.

She doesn’t look at me. She just continues to stare at the wall. “Well, I reckon I was thinking how much I wanted you to kiss me.” She flings her hands toward the wall. “It’s right there in black and white.” She tilts her head to the side. “Or red and black. Or…whatever.”

I walk over to her, standing way too close, I know. She freezes and stares up at me. “Grady Parker,” she says softly, a slight warning in her voice.

“What?” I ask, as I get into her space. There’s plenty of room behind her. She could easily step back, but she doesn’t.

“What are you doing?” Her voice trembles.

I grin. I lift my cap, and then pull it down lower on my head. “Nothing.”

“Then why are you so close to me?” A flush creeps up the side of her neck.