“Well, it was, and I’m sorry but I was a miserable kid and I wanted everyone to think I wasn’t, so I made myself up to be more than I was. I didn’t find out what life really was until I had her.” She runs her palm down the length of her daughter’s hair. “I’m trying to raise her so she knows she’s valuable no matter what.” She sucks in a breath. “And I’m really sorry if I made your life harder.”

I swallow past the lump in my throat. “It all worked out in the end.”

She pats her daughter again. “Yes, it did.” She turns on her heel and leaves.

I look over and find Barbara-Claire standing completely still with her eyes wide open. “I guess you told her,” Barbara-Claire says. “What’s got into you tonight?”

I let out a heavy breath. “That was a long time coming,” I say.

“You’re telling me.” She stares at me. “How was the trip?”

“You won twenty bucks because Grady didn’t sleep with me.”

She punches one fist up toward the ceiling in victory. But then she says, “What the hell is he waiting for?”

“Well, if he doesn’t act on it soon, I’m going to have to do something stupid like propose to him myself,” I say.

Barbara-Claire grins. “If that’s what it takes.”



I’m standing in my living room, rolling my keys around my index finger, trying to figure out if I should go to see Evie or not. I’d rather be with her than here alone. But I also need to prepare for Fright Night, because that’s when it’ll all go down. I’m standing here feeling more alone than I have ever felt, when my phone chimes in my pocket.

Junior: I lost twenty bucks on you.

Me: What?

Junior: I bet Barbara-Claire that you and Evie would do the deed while you were gone.

Me: That was a dumb bet.

Junior: You know she’s here, right? She’s inside my house right now having a discussion with Kerry-Anne Williams about what a conniving bitch K-A is.

Me: Shut up!

Junior: Swear to God

Junior: You do love Evie, right?

Me: If you can’t tell, I’m doing something wrong.

Junior: It’s not me who has to be able to tell, dumbass.

Me: I have an idea and I might need your help with it. Actually I’ll need a lot of people to help with it.

Junior: Does it involve you and Evie living happily ever after?

Me: I sure hope so.

Junior: Then I’m in.

Me: Good. You’ll have to learn to do the Thriller dance.

Junior: The what?

Me: I’ll explain more later. But I’m going to get Evie to marry me or I’ll die trying.