I roll my eyes and sigh. “I need to know. I want to get in touch with her. She left New York, in case you don’t know.”

“As a matter of fact, I do know. Which you would have known as well if you bothered to come to class today.”

I sit up, eager for information. “What happened?”

“Viktor made an announcement that she’d left. To pursue other interests.”

“Don’t you find that strange?”


“Because L’il’s only interest is writing. She’d never give up class.”

“Maybe she had family issues.”

“You’re not even curious?”

“Look, Carrie,” he snaps. “Right now my only concern is not being late. I’ve got to pick up Rainbow—”

“All I want is the name of L’il’s hometown,” I say, becoming officious.

“I’m not sure. It’s either Montgomery or Macon.”

“I thought you knew her,” I say accusingly, although I suspect my disdain might actually be about Rainbow. I guess he’s seeing her after all. I know I shouldn’t care, but I do.

I rise. “Have fun at the gala,” I add, with a dismissive smile.

Suddenly, I hate New York. No, scratch that. I don’t hate New York. I only hate some of the people in it.

There are listings for three Waterses in Montgomery County and two in Macon. I start with Macon, and get L’il’s aunt on the first try. She’s nice as can be, and gives me L’il’s number.

L’il is shocked to hear my voice, and not, I suspect, altogether pleased, although her lack of enthusiasm could be due to embarrassment at having abandoned New York. “I went by your apartment,” I say, my voice filled with concern. “The girl there said you moved back home.”

“I had to get away.”

“Why? Because of Peggy? You could have moved in with me.” No response. “You’re not sick, are you?” I ask, my voice pitched with worry.

She sighs. “Not in the traditional sense, no.”


“I don’t want to talk about it,” she whispers.

“But L’il,” I insist. “What about writing? You can’t just quit New York.”

There’s a pause. Then she says stiffly, “New York is not for me.” I hear a muffled sob as if she’s put her hand over the receiver. “I have to go, Carrie.”

And suddenly, I put two and two together. I don’t know why I didn’t see it before. It was so obvious. I simply never imagined that anyone could be attracted to him.

I feel sick. “Is it Viktor?”

“No!” she cries.

“It is Viktor. Why didn’t you tell me? What happened? Were you seeing him?”

“He broke my heart.”

I’m stunned. I still can’t believe L’il was having an affair with Viktor Greene and his ridiculous mustache. How could anyone even kiss the guy with that big bushy Waldo in the way? And on top of it, to have him break your heart?