Ryan laughs. “That’s not really the point.”

“Ryan’s engaged to a model,” I say, wondering if Becky broke up with Ryan after all. He certainly isn’t acting like a man who’s been dumped. I glance at Capote inquiringly. He shrugs.

“When are you getting married?” Maggie asks politely. She and Ryan seem to have developed a connection and I wonder if she’s disappointed he’s not available.

“Next year,” Ryan says easily. “She went to Paris this morning.” Aha. So no need for a formal breakup after all. And poor Ryan, sitting here without a clue. On the other hand, Capote is probably perfectly capable of lying about the situation. He might have told me Becky was going to dump Ryan because he wants Becky for himself.

“Interesting,” I say, to no one in particular.

Capote puts five dollars on the table. “I’m taking off.”

“But—” Ryan objects. Capote gives a small shake of his head. “I guess I am too,” Ryan says reluctantly. “Nice to meet you.” He smiles at Maggie. “What are you doing tonight?”

“Carrie’s making us have drinks with some guy.”

“Bernard Singer is not ‘some guy,’” I point out.

Capote pauses. “Bernard Singer? The playwright?”

“He’s Carrie’s boyfriend,” Maggie says dismissively.

Capote’s eyes widen behind his glasses. “You’re dating Bernard Singer?” he asks, as if it can’t be possible someone as esteemed as Bernard Singer would be interested in me.

“Uh-huh,” I say, like it’s no big deal.

Capote rests his hand on the back of his chair, unsure if he should go after all. “Bernard Singer is a genius.”

“I know.”

“I’d love to meet Bernard Singer,” Ryan says. “Why don’t we meet up with you guys for a drink, later?”

“That would be great,” Maggie says.

As soon as they’re gone, I groan.

“What?” Maggie asks, slightly defensive, knowing she’s done something wrong.

“I can’t bring them to drinks with Bernard.”

“Why not? Ryan is nice,” she says, as if he’s the only normal person she’s met so far. “I think he likes me.”

“He’s engaged.”

“And?” Maggie picks up the menu. “You heard him. She’s not around.”

“He’s a big flirt. It doesn’t mean anything.”

“I’m a flirt too. So it’s perfect.”

I was wrong. Maggie has changed. She’s become a sex addict. And how can I explain about Bernard? “Bernard won’t want to meet them—”

“Why not?”

“Because he’s older. He’s thirty.”

She looks at me in horror. “Oh my God, Carrie. Thirty? That’s disgusting!”

Chapter Fourteen