I walk up to it and grip the handle. Then I draw a deep breath.

Okay. This is it.

I’m about to put my thumb on the lever to push the door open when I hear a voice behind me.

“What are you doing?”

I turn around quickly and hold my hand against my chest, trying to keep my heart from jumping out. I find Chloe standing on the steps. This time, she’s wearing a purple dress. I’m not sure it goes with the rubies hanging from her ears.

Right. Chloe. Why didn’t I think of her?

She crosses her arms over her chest and taps her elbow. “Well?”

“Hi.” I put my arm down in an effort to appear normal. “I… didn’t see you there.”

“Obviously. That doesn’t answer my question, though.”

Her question? Oh, right. What I’m doing.

“I was just…” I try to come up with an excuse on the fly. “I’m… missing a button from my favorite dress, the one I wore yesterday, and I thought it might have come off while I was here in Walt’s room. I’ve searched everywhere else.”

That’s pretty good, I think.

Not good enough for Chloe. Her nose wrinkles.

“I’m not stupid, Jenna. The dress you wore yesterday didn’t have any buttons, just sequins.”

She remembers that?

“I pay attention to what people wear. And furthermore, that dress cannot be your favorite. It’s nice, yeah. A little wrinkled from travel. But I’m sure you can do better.”

Did she just pay me a compliment? I’m not sure I want to take fashion advice from someone who mixes purple and red, though.

Chloe clears her throat. “Again, what are you doing?”

I shrug. She caught me in the act. I might as well confess.

“I need to talk to Walt.”

“Why? You shouldn’t even be here. Dax is gone, isn’t he?”

So she’s heard?

“If you’re thinking of talking to Walt about Dax, forget it. I’ve tried to push those two to get along. It’s not going to work. As much as they refuse to admit it, they’re so alike that they repel each other. You know, like the same poles of a magnet.”

Sure, I know about magnetism. I was a physics major, after all. But what does that have to do with Dax and his dad?

I give her a puzzled look. “What do you mean they’re so alike?”

Chloe chuckles. “Oh, you know. They’re both stubborn. They’re both competitive. They both have a ruthless streak.”

Dax has a ruthless streak?

“They’re both charming. Smart. They have absolutely zero sense of humor.”

Didn’t Dax have one?

“And they’re terrible dancers. Did you know that?”

“No,” I answer.

Come to think of it, Dax and I have never danced.

“So yeah. They don’t get along. You can’t make them. Now, scoot.”

She climbs up the stairs. I don’t budge.

Chloe narrows her eyes at me. “What?”

“I really have to talk to Walt. I didn’t get a chance yesterday.”

She snorts. “What could you possibly have to say to him?”

“Just that I hope he gets better,” I answer.

“I’ll make sure he gets better,” Chloe tells me.

“And that… I appreciate him donating money for the preservation of Amazon wildlife.” Yup, I did a bit of research. “I know Dax thinks Walt is evil and some people think he’s a jerk.”

“Who?” Chloe asks me.

I ignore her question. “But I think he’s not all that bad.”

For a moment, Chloe just looks at me. Then she sighs.

“Come on. I’ll introduce you.”

She puts her hand on the door handle but I put mine above hers.

“I need to talk to him alone,” I tell her.

“So you have something else to say. What is it? Are you going to try and get a piece of him now that Dax has thrown you away?”

“No,” I say firmly.

“Then what?”

“I can’t tell you,” I answer.

She frowns and doesn’t let go of the door handle.

“But I can tell you what I’m not going to say. I promise I won’t say a word about you asking Dax to take you with him to America.”

Chloe’s thin eyebrows arch in surprise. Then they furrow.

“Didn’t you just give me one more reason not to let you inside? Why should I trust that you won’t tell Walt that?”

“Because I promise I won’t.” I raise my hand. “I swear on my niece’s life.”

Chloe purses her lips.

“You have a niece, too, don’t you? Mine just turned one. She’s the prettiest thing in the world, and I would do anything for her. Just like you.”

For another moment, Chloe remains still and silent. Then she lets go of the door handle.

“I’ll give you five minutes. If I find out you told Walt something about me, you’re dead. If anything happens to Walt, you’re dead, too.”

“I’m not going in there to kill him, if that’s what you’re suggesting,” I tell her. “I promise you that, too.”

She tilts her chin at the door. “Go. Clock’s ticking.”

I give her a smile. “Thank you.”

I open the door and enter the suite. I take just a moment to gather my nerves, then make my way to the bedroom. The bedroom door is open, and from the doorway, I can see Walt on his bed watching TV. There are two nurses with him. One of them, who I recognize from yesterday, sees me and gives me a questioning look.