I shake my head. “Wow. You haven’t changed one bit.”

“Dax!” Chloe cuts me off. Her eyes plead with me. “Get out.”

“Gladly,” I tell her.

Without another word, I march out of the room. Halfway down the stairs, I stop, realizing there are footsteps rushing after me.

Right. Jenna. In all my anger, I’d forgotten she was with me.

I turn to her. “I’m sorry you had to see that.”

“You mean that spectacular performance?” She sounds displeased.

I sigh and offer her my hand. “Come. I’ll show you something better. Maybe we can catch a matinee on the West End.”

“How could you do that to your father, Dax?” Jenna asks me in a tone brimming with disappointment. “How could you be so rude?”

I point a finger at my chest. “I’m the one who’s rude?”

If I remember correctly, he was the one who started it.

“Your father just had a stroke and a serious surgery,” Jenna reminds me.

I shrug. “Well, you heard him. He seems to be recovering nicely. I’d say he’ll be back on his feet in a week or two.”

I should never have worried about him.

Jenna shakes her head. “I expected more from you, Dax.”

I frown. Really? Are we going to fight again?

I don’t understand why Jenna is so upset. She heard what my dad said. She saw how he treated me. I get why Chloe would take my father’s side, but shouldn’t Jenna be on mine? Why isn’t she?

“Well, I’m sorry you didn’t get your tearful reunion,” I tell her through gritted teeth. “But this isn’t a fairy tale.”

“You didn’t even try to be nice to him,” Jenna tells me.

I roll my eyes.

“You didn’t even introduce me or let me talk to him.”

“Oh. Is that what this is about? Me not introducing you as my girlfriend to a man who won’t give a shit?”

“No. I’m just saying you shouldn’t have treated him like that.”

“Why do you want his approval so much, huh?” I ask Jenna.

“I never said – ”

“I thought you hated him. What? Did that change after you saw him? Do you feel sorry for him now? Or did he somehow charm you without me knowing? Because I do know he has that effect on women.”

“He’s your father, Dax. Is it wrong that I want to get to know him?”

“Even though I told you he’s not worth knowing? Even though you saw what a hateful man he is?”

“Well, we can’t choose our fathers, can we?”

I shake my head. “No. We can’t. But we don’t have to love them or even like them. You certainly seem to be fond of my father.”

“I’m not,” Jenna protests.

I don’t believe her. “You know what? If you like my father so much, you can have him. He’s all yours.”

Jenna glares at me. “I can’t believe you just said that.”

“Why don’t you go back there, huh? That’s what you want to do, right? Why don’t you go and be nice to him, help Chloe take care of him, change his pee bag maybe? Who knows? You might just end up getting his approval. He might even like you as much as you like him. Or reward you like he does Chloe.”

Jenna’s hand flies from her side and whips across my face. I feel the lash of her palm against my cheek. My skin stings.

It’s nothing, though, compared to the pain of knowing that in spite of everything, the woman I love would still rather side with the man I hate the most.

I turn away from her and continue walking down the stairs. I’d leave London this minute, but I’ve already arranged a business meeting for tomorrow. I don’t have to stay in this fucking place, though. I can’t. Maybe I’ll check into a hotel and then hit the pubs.

As for Jenna, she can stay here and do whatever she wants.

I lift a hand to touch my cheek, which still stings from that hard slap she dealt me, one I never expected from her.

So much for this trip being a chance for us to work things out together and become a better couple.

Chapter Sixteen


Dax is gone.

The realization leaves a pit in my stomach and a weight on my chest, which I clutch as I sit on the edge of my four-poster bed.

It’s dressed in red and gold sheets that feel heavenly to the touch – a bed fit for a queen – and it’s big enough for a whole royal family. Dax and I would have had fun here. Too bad we’ll never have the chance.

As much as I love him, I would never sleep with my brother. Not even my half-brother.

I lie down on the bed and place my hands on my forehead as I stare up at the golden ceiling. I feel it crease beneath my fingers as I let out a deep sigh.

Oh, why did Dax and I have to be related?